The most wanted items for the month of canned beans, canned meats (tuna, salmon, chicken, SPAM, etc.), granola bars, protein bars, rice, instant potatoes, pasta, macaroni and cheese, and canned soups.
Ways to Give
* Drop off donations in the bin located in the 2nd floor lobby area outside the Administration Offices - a list of needed items can be found at * Purchase some items off of the Amazon wish list< >! They will be shipped directly to the pantry. * Gifts also can be made to the University of Nebraska Foundation<;!!PvXu... >, fund #01140700. Online gifts can be made via credit or debit card, and an electronic donation receipt will be emailed to you. Memorial gifts can also be made through the Foundation website.
[A red and white logo Description automatically generated with medium confidence]
Best Regards, Julie Mc.
[cid:image002.gif@01DB60F5.68837020] Julie McManamey Graduate Program Coordinator and Course Scheduling Office Associate Department of Food Science and Technology College of Agriculture Sciences and Natural Resources University of Nebraska-Lincoln Food Innovation Center, 1901 N 21st St, Room 231 Lincoln, NE 68588-6205 402-472-5301
GALLUP StrengthFinder: Learner, Intellection, Input, Analytical, Deliberative VIA Character Strengths: Love of Learning, Judgment, Leadership, Fairness, Prudence [cid:image003.png@01DB60F5.68837020]