Hello -
Merck Animal Health located on the 4th floor of the Food Innovation Center has an abundance of the following bottles to giveaway:
Corning CellBIND Polystyrene Roller Bottles with Easy Grip Cap, Quantity: Case of 44 | Fisher Scientifichttps://www.fishersci.com/shop/products/corning-cellbind-850cm-squared-polystyrene-roller-bottle-with-easy-grip-cap/07202523#?keyword=431344 Cost: FREE Quantity: ~700 The bottles are slightly expired but would work for storing media/samples.
Please email Mike McCarthy (michael.mccarthy@merck.commailto:michael.mccarthy@merck.com) if you would like some and he can coordinate a time to meet you.
Best, Brooke
Brooke Goedert Culture & Operations Manager Nebraska Innovation Campus 2021 Transformation Drive, Suite 2220 Lincoln, NE 68508 Email: bgoedert2@unl.edumailto:bgoedert2@unl.edu Office: +1 (402) 472-5535
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