Hello All,
We are looking for access to a Qiagen BioSprint96 machine for the Benson Lab. They were in the middle of a run and had a malfunction with their machine.
If you have one of these machines available for use please contact Tricia King (tking19@unl.edu).
Thank you,
Michaela Tonack (she/her)
Communication and Coordination Associate (CCA)
http://foodforhealth.unl.edu/ [foodforhealth.unl.edu]https://urldefense.com/v3/__http:/foodforhealth.unl.edu/__;!!JkUDQA!bfr77xaa7kingCmFb5nFssR3nlHeWReB9cgRRueB5Z1t1bLNujmbggzENln3r19DEc_ooSo$
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Lincoln, NE 68588-6208