View this email in your browser May 2024 []
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On April 15, 2024, Nebraska Food Science and Technology held its annual Research Symposium. Students from a variety of disciplines presented their research via oral presentations, poster sessions, short videos, a workshop, and TED-style talks. Keynote Speaker was Dr. Stephen Frese, an alum and Assistant Professor in the Department of Nutrition at the University of Nevada, Reno. Winning presenters were given a certificate and gifts to take home.
The winners: Mason Mandolfo (Outstanding Oral Presentation) Xu "Phoebe" Shi (Outstanding Oral Presentation) Zhenhao Wang (Outstanding Poster Presentation) Purlen Sezer Okur (Outstanding Poster Presentation) Keith J. Scott (Outstanding Workshop Presentation) Sujun "Willow" Liu (Outstanding TED-Tech Talk)
[] Dr. Kaustav Majumder received the 2024 American Oil Chemist Society (AOCS)'s Young Scientist Research Award.The AOCS Young Scientist Research Award recognizes a young scientist who has made a significant and substantial research contribution in one of the areas represented by AOCS Divisions. Learn more about Dr. Majumder and his award at aocs.org
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The Department would like to congratulate two faculty members who recently received good news Dr. Byron Chaves will be tenured and promoted to Associate Professor and Dr. Amanda Ramer-Tait will be promoted to Professor.
[] The Phi Tau Sigma Chapter of Nebraska Food Science and Technology has won the Outstanding Chapter of the Year award for their excellence in the areas of research, scholarship, leadership, and service. The award comes with a plaque and $1000 to be used by the Chapter to advance distinction in the food science discipline.
The Department of Food Science and Technology is offering a number of Food Science Summer Camps for 2024. These summer camps are aimed at students between 5th and 12th grade. Registration is open. Here are the camps being offered:
Pizza, The Rise of the Dough! Students will learn about dough from farm to table through hands-on activities in the Food Innovation Center on the Nebraska Innovation Campus.
How the Cookie Crumbles! Students will follow the production and processing chains for grain products throughout the continuum from field to table learning how science, technology, engineering, and math (STEM) are intertwined to transform raw agricultural commodities into food products that are consumed daily
Exploring Dairy Products the Milky Way In this camp you will learn about the science of how this tasty treat is made, along with the chemistry behind all things dairy.
The Science of Cookies! Students will explore complex topics behind food manufacturing and interact with university faculty conducting research in the areas of food safety, quality, and processing.
The Science of Ice Cream! This camp is great for students interested in chemistry, microbiology, and/or emulsification.
Learn more at
Upcoming Events May 6 Food Science and Technology Recognition Banquet
Upcoming Workshops
May 21 Microbiology Workshop Jun 4 Extrusion Workshop
Recent Publications
Richard E. Goodman (2024) Twenty-eight years of GM Food and feed without harm: why not accept them?, GM Crops & Food, 15:1, 40-50, DOI: 10.1080/21645698.2024.2305944
Recent Awards
Priya Biswas, Dr. Ron Schmidt Student Travel Award, 3-A SSI
Emerson Nolasco, Protein and Co-products Student Travel Award, AOCS
Daniela Segura, Dr. Ron Schmidt Student Travel Award, 3-A SSI
Phoebe Shi, Graduate Student Excellence in Mentoring Award, UNL
Director, The Food Processing Center - UNL As Director of the Food Processing Center, you will: Manage and direct the daily operations to support the day-to-day activities of staff by fostering an inclusive culture, facilitate development, implementation and evaluation to address client needs, manage and lead in building business development relationships by fostering interdisciplinary ties with departments and programs within the University and facilitating linkages to external food production and bioprocessing professionals, and promote the Dairy Store retail operations.
Associate Microbiologist - ConAgra The Associate Research and Development Technologist will assist in supporting projects and documenting results as well as the research of programs to drive cost optimization through formulation and processing efficiencies, create new prototypes for product development initiatives, and identify/approve potential ingredient and manufacturing suppliers.
Associate R&D Technologist - Smithfield The Associate Research and Development Technologist will assist in supporting projects and documenting results as well as the research of programs to drive cost optimization through formulation and processing efficiencies, create new prototypes for product development initiatives, and identify/approve potential ingredient and manufacturing suppliers.
For more news please visit:
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