Hi all, See e-mail below about the Crunch-Off competition! Let's be the winner of the CASNR competition!
I would encourage you to include this in your classes, especially those big courses (@Andreia Bianchini Huebnermailto:abianchini2@unl.edu, @Rossana Villa Rojasmailto:rvillarojas2@unl.edu, etc). Please take pictures if you can so that we can share in social media and keep track of the people that are participating!
@Graye Muir-Lewismailto:gmuir-lewis2@unl.edu could you please share this in social media? Also, can you please print the attached flier and post throughout the building?
@Rossana Villa Rojasmailto:rvillarojas2@unl.edu and @Julie McManameymailto:julie.mcmanamey@unl.edu, let's have some popcorn for students in the seminar. Perhaps we can all do a crunch off before (or right after) the seminar.
@Julie McManameymailto:julie.mcmanamey@unl.edu, lets have some popcorn or apple slices for the informal meeting with students and staff on the 8th and 10th of October.
@Sarah Gergenmailto:sgergen2@unl.edu, should we do something with the kids that register for the Fall break workshops?
Please note that we get extra points if we do videos and if we have UNL logos in the pictures (see attached flier)
Let me know if you have any questions.
Let the game begin!
[University of Nebraska – Lincoln] Silvana Martini, PhD Professor, Department Head University of Nebraska-Lincoln Food Science & Technology Lincoln, NE 402-472-5267 Editor-in-Chief, Journal of the American Oil Chemists' Society<https://urldefense.com/v3/__https://aocs.onlinelibrary.wiley.com/journal/155... > Fellow of the American Oil Chemists' Society Past President of the American Oil Chemists' Society (2022-2023)<https://urldefense.com/v3/__http://www.aocs.org__;!!PvXuogZ4sRB2p-tU!EYD1VQt... >
From: Clare Hornung chornung2@unl.edu Sent: Friday, September 27, 2024 9:37 AM To: Taylor Nielsen tnielsen11@unl.edu; Logan Newman lnewman2@unl.edu; Alli Raymond araymond2@unl.edu; Joseph Canny jcanny2@unl.edu; Erin Sayer erin.sayer@unl.edu; Brandi Sigmon bsigmon2@unl.edu; Tegan Brooks tegan.brooks@unl.edu; Bridget Gross bgross3@unl.edu; Kenneth Pyle kpyle4@unl.edu; Rosalee Swartz rswartz1@unl.edu; Liz Steinhour lsteinhour2@unl.edu; Morgan Tranmer mtranmer2@unl.edu; Taryn King tking@unl.edu; Rachel Ibach ribach2@unl.edu; Sarah Gergen sgergen2@unl.edu; Deborah VanOverbeke dvanoverbeke2@unl.edu; Bhaskar Bhattacharya bbhattacharya8@unl.edu; Larkin Powell lpowell3@unl.edu; Kate Brooks kbrooks4@unl.edu; Martha Mamo mmamo3@unl.edu; Anne Streich astreich2@unl.edu; Mark Balschweid mbalschweid2@unl.edu; Mark Stone mark.stone@unl.edu; Donald Becker dbecker3@unl.edu; Karrie Weber kweber@unl.edu; Michael Adamowicz madamowicz2@unl.edu; Silvana Martini smartini2@unl.edu Cc: Tammera Mittelstet tmittelstet@unl.edu; Sue Ellen Pegg spegg2@unl.edu; Tiffany Heng-Moss thengmoss2@unl.edu; Cara Pesek cpesek2@unl.edu; Natalie Jones njones23@unl.edu Subject: Farm to School Crunch-Off in CASNR!
Good morning!
I am reaching out to you all to announce a new initiative we are working on in CASNR. Every year, the Nebraska Department of Education Farm to School program participates in Crunch Off in the month of October, which is an initiative to get students and communities to consume local produce and support local producers. This year, Tammy Mittelstet has signed CASNR up to be a part of this event. We have some fun plans we are rolling out to help create excitement for this and we would love your help!
CASNR will participate in this event as a whole. That being said, we did want to do a social media challenge within our college so that each of your departments can be involved and we can create a little competition. Attached to this email is a flyer to elaborate on the rules and instructions for this competition. The most important thing is that any submissions include eating a crunchy local food, examples may be popcorn, apples, vegetables, etc. The Dairy Store will have a special dish in honor of Crunch Off as well!
If you could share this with students, RSOs, faculty & staff, alumni and whoever else you think would like to participate, that would be very much appreciated! I will also push this out on our CASNR social media pages, but encouragement from you all is a big help to get more participation. Our goal is to have everyone included and involved. Social media submissions will be accepted on Instagram, X (Twitter), and Facebook. We ask that you tag CASNR and the department you'd like your points to go towards (or state your department in the caption if they don't have an account). The Farm to School accounts are a little complicated, so if you want to use #NEFarmtoSchool and #CASNRCrunchOff you can, and then we will take care of tagging Farm to School in comments of submissions.
We will begin this Oct. 1 and the social media competition between our CASNR departments will end Oct. 30 with a winner announced on Oct. 31. If you have any questions about the social media contest, please feel free to email me. For questions about Farm to School and the overall Crunch Off, please contact Tammy Mittelstet at tmittelstet@unl.edumailto:tmittelstet@unl.edu.
I am so excited to see what your faculty, students, and staff are able to put together. We hope everyone is able to participate and have some fun with this project!
Clare Hornung
To learn more about NDE's Crunch Off: https://urldefense.com/v3/__https://www.education.ne.gov/ns/farm-to-school/m... CASNR Pages:
* Instagram: https://urldefense.com/v3/__https://www.instagram.com/unl_casnr/__;!!PvXuogZ...
* Facebook: https://urldefense.com/v3/__https://www.facebook.com/unlcasnr__;!!PvXuogZ4sR...
* X: https://urldefense.com/v3/__https://twitter.com/UNL_CASNR__;!!PvXuogZ4sRB2p-...
Clare Hornung
Recruitment Specialist
University of Nebraska-Lincoln
College of Agricultural Sciences and Natural Resources