Hello group,
Can someone (or maybe two of you) pick up the laser from Chase Hall? It has arrived!
Please let me know if you have any trouble moving it over to Morrison.
Nicole Iverson, Ph.D.
Associate Professor
Department of Biological Systems Engineering
Institute of Agriculture and Natural Resources
College of Engineering
University of Nebraska–Lincoln
260 Morrison Hall, 4240 Fair Street, Lincoln, NE 68583
Cell: 732-648-3319 | iverson(a)unl.edu<mailto:iverson@unl.edu>| engineering.unl.edu/iversonlab<http://engineering.unl.edu/iversonlab/>
From: Christel Burgason <cburgason2(a)unl.edu>
Date: Thursday, August 22, 2024 at 10:42 AM
To: Nicole Iverson <iverson(a)unl.edu>
Subject: OEM Laser Module
Hi Nicole,
This large box with the OEM Laser Module was delivered to Chase Hall on Tuesday.
Christel Burgason
Office Assoc
University of Nebraska–Lincoln
Biological Systems Engineering
200 L.W. Chase Hall, Lincoln, Ne 68583-0726
402-472-1413, cburgason2(a)unl.edu<tel:4024721413>
Did you all see this?
Nicole Iverson, Ph.D.
Associate Professor
Department of Biological Systems Engineering
Institute of Agriculture and Natural Resources
College of Engineering
University of Nebraska–Lincoln
260 Morrison Hall, 4240 Fair Street, Lincoln, NE 68583
Cell: 732-648-3319 | iverson(a)unl.edu<mailto:iverson@unl.edu>| engineering.unl.edu/iversonlab<http://engineering.unl.edu/iversonlab/>
From: Meg Kester <meg.kester(a)unl.edu>
Date: Wednesday, August 21, 2024 at 11:02 AM
To: Marybeth Helmink <mbhelmink(a)unl.edu>, CASNR Advisor List serv (casnradvisors(a)lists.nebraska.edu) <casnradvisors(a)lists.nebraska.edu>
Subject: Re: CASNR Advisor Update - upcoming events
Hi! Everyone is also invited to the CASNR Community Celebration on Thursday, Aug 29 from 12:30-2:30 in the Dairy Store area. We’ll have free ice cream, popcorn from Agro/Hort, and BSE will provide robotic activities! Meg
Meg Klosterman Kester, Doctoral Candidate
Strategic Initiatives & Alumni Engagement
College of Agricultural Sciences & Natural Resources
University of Nebraska–Lincoln
Nebraska East Union 247
1705 Arbor Dr.
Lincoln, NE 68583-0702
Pronouns: she/her
Positivity . Individualization . Input . Achiever . Futuristic
From: Marybeth Helmink <mbhelmink(a)unl.edu>
Date: Wednesday, August 21, 2024 at 10:54 AM
To: CASNR Advisor List serv (casnradvisors(a)lists.nebraska.edu) <casnradvisors(a)lists.nebraska.edu>
Subject: CASNR Advisor Update - upcoming events
Thanks to all of you that attended the CASNR Advisor Update - stay tuned for more details of upcoming meetings/events for Advisors.
Below are some upcoming events that you may be aware of but want to make sure you have them on your calendar. If you are able to assist with any of these events, please sign up below or contact the individuals listed below.
This is CASNR!
CASNR Guides - volunteer opportunity
Career Fair - volunteer opportunity
This is CASNR!
Thursday, 8.22.24 - NEU Great Plains Room
2:30 check-in, settle-in, etc.
2:35 Welcome, meet CASNR Dean and staff, short presentation
2:55 Activity
3:10 Break into departments
4:00 Meet on sidewalk north of Nebraska East Union for Dairy Store ice cream and informal conversations
4:30 Cookout with Dining – all are welcome
I look forward to seeing you all there along with our amazing new CASNR Huskers!
Sue Ellen
Sue Ellen Pegg
College Relations Director
University of Nebraska–Lincoln
College of Agricultural Sciences and Natural Resources
103 Agricultural Hall
Be a CASNR Guide to Welcome students back to campus!
Monday and Tuesday, August 26 & 27, 2024
Hey all!
The start of the semester is almost here!
The CASNR Dean’s Office coordinates a CASNR Guides team for the first two mornings of classes (August 26 & August 27) to help welcome students and to help them navigate East Campus. We will have a station at the south end of the mall bus stop, the stairs outside the East Campus Visitor’s Center, and a station West of Plant Science/Keim Hall.
If you’re interested in serving as a guide, please sign up for times you are available ASAP. I’ll follow up with a schedule and locations, and any additional instructions.
Sign-up: CASNR Guides 2024.xlsx<https://urldefense.com/v3/__https:/uofnelincoln.sharepoint.com/:x:/s/UNL-IA…>
Thanks in advance!
[University of Nebraska – Lincoln]
Carly Mendoza
Student Success Coach
University of Nebraska–Lincoln
College of Ag Sci & Nat Res
Lincoln, NE
Fall Career Fair Volunteer Sign up
Monday, September 16, 2024
Hello everyone!
I hope you all had a great summer and are ready to welcome the students back to campus!
With the start of the academic year, that means the Fall Career Fair is on our doorstep! This year, the Career Fair on East Campus is extra early and will be held exactly 3 weeks after the start of the semester on September 16! As you know, this is a large event that connects 90+ employers and almost 500 students. It takes many people coming together to make it happen! Do you have time to volunteer for a shift or two? If so, we will provide you with a meal voucher as a thank you for your time and help! You can sign-up using this link: https://urldefense.com/v3/__https://signup.com/client/invitation2/secure/11… <https://urldefense.com/v3/__https:/signup.com/client/invitation2/secure/110…>
Thank you in advance for all of your help!
Stephanie Osterthun
Career and Student Experience Coach
University of Nebraska–Lincoln
College of Ag Sci & Nat Res
Nebraska East Union, 331P
Click here<https://urldefense.com/v3/__https:/unlincoln.my.site.com/SSH/0058W00000BUU6…> to schedule an appointment with me.
Marybeth Helmink
Advising & Academic Programs
College of Agricultural Sciences & Natural Resources
University of Nebraska Lincoln
Hello everyone,
I’m trying to plan our lab’s group meetings for the fall semester. Please fill out the https://urldefense.com/v3/__https://www.when2meet.com/?25984474-PKG82__;!!P… poll by Wednesday (Aug 21) so that I can get the schedule finalized.
If you do not know how to fill out this type of poll please let me know. Otherwise I will expect to see everyone’s response by Wednesday night.
Nicole Iverson, Ph.D.
Associate Professor
Department of Biological Systems Engineering
Institute of Agriculture and Natural Resources
College of Engineering
University of Nebraska–Lincoln
260 Morrison Hall, 4240 Fair Street, Lincoln, NE 68583
Cell: 732-648-3319 | iverson(a)unl.edu<mailto:iverson@unl.edu>| engineering.unl.edu/iversonlab<http://engineering.unl.edu/iversonlab/>
Hello group,
BSE has linked our group to a new website (https://cms.unl.edu/ianr/biological-systems-engineering/iverson-lab/).
It has some of our information from the old site, but some information is ‘place holders’ so that we can easily change the data (like showing the Deepak Keshwani is in our lab).
Nicky has been working on updating our lab site, but she is also pretty busy in the next two weeks preparing for her qualifying exam. Is there anyone else that has a little bit of time and would be willing to help with editing the site?
Nicole Iverson, Ph.D.
Associate Professor
Department of Biological Systems Engineering
Institute of Agriculture and Natural Resources
College of Engineering
University of Nebraska–Lincoln
260 Morrison Hall, 4240 Fair Street, Lincoln, NE 68583
Cell: 732-648-3319 | iverson(a)unl.edu<mailto:iverson@unl.edu>| engineering.unl.edu/iversonlab<http://engineering.unl.edu/iversonlab/>
From: Yahya Shema <yshema2(a)unl.edu>
Date: Monday, August 12, 2024 at 5:01 PM
To: Nicole Iverson <iverson(a)unl.edu>
Subject: coming soon: Iverson Lab webpage
Hi Nicole,
Check out your new page https://cms.unl.edu/ianr/biological-systems-engineering/labs/.. still under development so you will some people, or images that are out of place.. they are acting as placeholders. I thought I would keep you in the loop.
Shema Yahya
Communication Specialist
Biological Systems Engineering
200 L.W. Chase Hall, Lincoln, Ne 68583-0726
Reminder that there is a vendor showcase. Let me know if they have good deals for things that we need.
Nicole Iverson, Ph.D.
Associate Professor
Department of Biological Systems Engineering
Institute of Agriculture and Natural Resources
College of Engineering
University of Nebraska–Lincoln
260 Morrison Hall, 4240 Fair Street, Lincoln, NE 68583
Cell: 732-648-3319 | iverson(a)unl.edu<mailto:iverson@unl.edu>| engineering.unl.edu/iversonlab<http://engineering.unl.edu/iversonlab/>
From: Courtney Schaffert <courtney.schaffert(a)nebraska.edu>
Date: Monday, August 5, 2024 at 5:00 PM
Cc: Sydney Zach <sydney.zach(a)nebraska.edu>
Subject: FW: SAVE THE DATE! UNL Scientific Supplier Showcase East Campus Union
You are receiving this because you have purchased Research supplies or equipment in the past year.
The University of Nebraska Procure to Pay is hosting a Scientific Supplier Showcase on August 13, 2024 from 11:00 AM -1:30 PM in the East Campus Union, Great Plains room (2nd floor).
We will have 18 Vendors from 16 companies on hand and University representatives from The Center for Biotechnology, The Nebraska Water Center and the Molecular Analysis and Characterization Facility so please stop by, get a snack, and meet your reps in person!
Please see the attached Flyer for more information
Also, if you are a member of one of our Research Core Facillities and would like to present a poster at the showcase, please let me know so I can save you a spot!
Courtney S. Schaffert, Ph.D.
Senior Sourcing Agent
University of Nebraska System
ADC 3rd Floor
985050 Nebraska Medical Center
Omaha NE 68198-5050
Office: (402) 559-2277<tel:(402)%20559-2277>
[university of nebraska logo lockup with campuses]
Welcome to SAP Ariba!
View Training Resources<https://nebraska.edu/offices-policies/business-finance/procure-to-pay/procu…>
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Did everyone see this?
Nicole Iverson, Ph.D.
Associate Professor
Department of Biological Systems Engineering
Institute of Agriculture and Natural Resources
College of Engineering
University of Nebraska–Lincoln
260 Morrison Hall, 4240 Fair Street, Lincoln, NE 68583
Cell: 732-648-3319 | iverson(a)unl.edu<mailto:iverson@unl.edu>| engineering.unl.edu/iversonlab<http://engineering.unl.edu/iversonlab/>
From: Molly Boyd <mboyd9(a)unl.edu>
Date: Monday, July 15, 2024 at 9:38 AM
To: casnr(a)lists.unl.edu <casnr(a)lists.unl.edu>
Subject: IANR Staff Council Ice Cream Social
[An Ink Drawing]
Molly Boyd
Office Associate
University of Nebraska–Lincoln
College of Agricultural Sciences & Natural Resources
Nebraska East Union 247
Lincoln, NE 68583-0702
Another list of lab supplies on sale. Let me know by Friday if you want anything off of this list.
Nicole Iverson, Ph.D.
Associate Professor
Department of Biological Systems Engineering
Institute of Agriculture and Natural Resources
College of Engineering
University of Nebraska–Lincoln
260 Morrison Hall, 4240 Fair Street, Lincoln, NE 68583
Cell: 732-648-3319 | iverson(a)unl.edu<mailto:iverson@unl.edu>| engineering.unl.edu/iversonlab<http://engineering.unl.edu/iversonlab/>
From: Kevin Kuper <Kevin.Kuper(a)midsci.com>
Date: Wednesday, July 17, 2024 at 8:08 AM
To: Nicole Iverson <iverson(a)unl.edu>
Subject: Totally Tubular Tubes, Worms and Flies
Caution: Non-NU Email
Hi Nicole
I hope your summer is going well and you had a great 4th of July holiday.
Please check us out for your next tube order. Below is great pricing on our more popular centrifuge tubes. Table 2 and 3 are supplies for worm and fly labs. Please note volume savings with larger size reagents and media. Please ask for a quote for large fly vial and petri dish orders.
Regarding tubes we have PCR 8 strip tubes and 96 well plates to fit your thermal cycler.
Lastly, we have a listing of our Top 5 web specials and nitrile glove sale too if you don’t know about it. Hopefully one of these will match your current lab needs. Please let me know what you need a quote for coming up.
PS. TPP cell culture plastics are still on sale (flasks, plates, dishes). Think 3 and 1 discounted significantly. Send me a note and I can quote you 😊
Table 1. Centrifuge Tubes
Part Number
500mL Centrifuge Tube, Bulk, Sterile, 6 /pk, 36 /cs
250mL Centrifuge Tube, Bulk, Sterile, 6 /pk, 102 /cs
Tornado Tubes, 50mL Conical, PP, Sterile, Bagged, 25/bag, 500/cs
Tornado Tubes, 50mL Conical, PP, Sterile, Bagged, 25/bag, 500/cs
2.0 mL PR1MA Microcentrifuge Tube, Boil-Proof, Natural 500/cs
1.5 mL (1.7 mL max) microtube, sterile, self-standing bag, 500/cs, 10 CapLocks included
0.5 mL PR1MA Microcentrifuge Tube, Boil-Proof, Natural 1000/cs
PR1MA 2 mL Skirted Threaded Tube & Screw Cap (PR-SCC) Ribbed Side 500/cs
PR1MA 1.5 mL Skirted Threaded Tube & Screw Cap (PR-SCC) Ribbed Side 500/cs
PR1MA 0.5 mL Skirted Threaded Tube & Screw Cap (PR-SCC) Ribbed Side 500/cs
TPP Premium Cryotubes, 2.0mL, Polypropylene, 100/bag, 400/cs
Table 2. Fly Supplies
Part Number
Drosophila Narrow Vials [PS] 25x95mm, 25 vials/bg,20 bgs/cs
Drosophila Narrow Vials Combo [PS Vials], 25x95mm, Tray Pkd 100 vials/tray, 5 trays/case
Narrow Droso Vials Closures, 30 x 45 mm, Densest Foam, 100/bg, 10 bgs/cs
Narrow Droso Vials Closures, 25 x 25 mm, Densest Sponge, Autoclave, 100/bg, 10 bgs/cs
Narrow Droso Vials Closures, 24 x 30 mm, Degreasing Fiber, 100/bg, 10 bgs/cs
Agar, Bacteriological Grade, 500 G PR1MA By MIDSCI
Agar, Bacteriological Grade, 10 KG PR1MA By MIDSCI
Yeast Extract, Powder, 500 G Pr1ma By MIDSCI
Yeast Extract, Powder, 10 KG Pr1ma By MIDSCI
Water, Molecular Biology Grade DNase and RNase Free, 1 gal DNase and RNase Free, 500ml
Water, Molecular Biology Grade DNase and RNase Free, 1 gal DNase and RNase Free, 1 gal Pr1ma By MIDSCI
Table 3. Worm Supplies
Part Number
NGM, Pre-Mixed Growth Media, 500 G
NGM, Pre-Mixed Growth Media, 5Kg
Agar, Bacteriological Grade, 500 G PR1MA By MIDSCI
Agar, Bacteriological Grade, 10 KG PR1MA By MIDSCI
Sodium Chloride, 500 G Pr1ma By MIDSCI
Sodium Chloride, 25 KG Pr1ma By MIDSCI
Peptone, Powder, 500 G Pr1ma By MIDSCI
Peptone, Powder, 5 KG Pr1ma By MIDSCI
35 x 12 mm Petri Dish, Sterile, 20/bag, 500/cs
PR1MA 60 mm x 15 mm Petri Dish, Sterile, Qty 500
Please reference quote 1053248 when ordering. Pricing Expires 8/31/2024.
Top 5 Web Specials
1. Azure Cielo 6, 6 Channel 96 Well qPCR System $16,895.00<https://urldefense.com/v3/__https:/midsci.com/images/items/MIDSCI_Azure*20C…>
2. Lab Values, 1/2 off Plate Sealer, Free Blocks for Dry Bath and 30% Off Electronic Pipettes<https://urldefense.com/v3/__https:/midsci.com/images/items/MIDSCI-LabValues…>
3. Free Vortex, Microfuge or Amazon $100.00 Gift Card with Purchase of Select Equipment.<https://urldefense.com/v3/__https:/midsci.com/wcm/connect/midsci.com-605/f4…>
4. Haier-80 Freezer Free Shipping and Racks <https://urldefense.com/v3/__https:/midsci.com/wcm/connect/midsci.com-605/36…>
5. Brandtech Free Repeating Pipette with $500.00 Tip Order<https://urldefense.com/v3/__https:/midsci.com/wcm/connect/midsci.com-605/0a…>
Here is our newest catalog in a digital flipbook<https://urldefense.com/v3/__https:/www.flipsnack.com/midsci/master_q3-2024_…>.
Are you signed up for all our email offerings? (Marketing has a different list) If not, head over to our Contact Us<https://urldefense.com/v3/__https:/midsci.com/contact-us__;!!PvXuogZ4sRB2p-…> page.
Want a chance to win $500 in FREE products from MIDSCI?
Take this quick 3-minute survey!<https://urldefense.com/v3/__https:/www.surveymonkey.com/r/ZV9L9DW?utm_sourc…>
(It only takes a few minutes)
Need anything else for the lab?
We have pipette tips, cryotubes, TPP cell culture plastics, gloves, freezer boxes, PCR plastics, serological pipettes, and tubes. MIDSCI also has refrigerators, freezers, LN tanks, and microscopes.
Let me know if you need help with an order.
Have a great day!
[Logo Description automatically generated]
Kevin Kuper
Laboratory Consultant – Iowa, Kansas, Nebraska, MO-KC
Phone: 800.227.9997 Ext.405 Fax: 636.225.9998
Direct: 913-488-4285
115 Cassens Court, Fenton, MO 63026
Web: https://urldefense.com/v3/__http://www.midsci.com__;!!PvXuogZ4sRB2p-tU!BVox… <https://urldefense.com/v3/__http:/www.midsci.com/__;!!PvXuogZ4sRB2p-tU!BOH0…>
Email: kevin.kuper(a)midsci.com<mailto:kevin.kuper@midsci.com>
Any views or opinions presented in this email are solely those of the author and do not necessarily represent those of the company. Employees of MIDSCI are expressly required not to make defamatory statements and not to infringe or authorize infringement of copyright or any other legal right by email communications. Any such communication is contrary to company policy and outside scope of the employment of the individual concerned. The company will not accept any liability in respect of such communication, and the employee responsible will be personally liable for any damages or other liability arising.
If you are not the intended recipient you are notified that disclosing, copying or taking any action in reliance on the contents of this information is strictly prohibited.
Here is a Journal Club that you can attend if you are interested.
Nicole Iverson, Ph.D.
Associate Professor
Department of Biological Systems Engineering
Institute of Agriculture and Natural Resources
College of Engineering
University of Nebraska–Lincoln
260 Morrison Hall, 4240 Fair Street, Lincoln, NE 68583
Cell: 732-648-3319 | iverson(a)unl.edu<mailto:iverson@unl.edu>| engineering.unl.edu/iversonlab<http://engineering.unl.edu/iversonlab/>
From: Nicole Sexton <nicole.sexton(a)unl.edu>
Date: Thursday, July 11, 2024 at 6:17 PM
To: Sathish Kumar Natarajan <snatarajan2(a)unl.edu>
Cc: Lindsey Crawford <lindsey.crawford(a)unl.edu>, Peter Angeletti <peter.angeletti(a)unl.edu>, Amanda Ramer-Tait <aramer-tait2(a)unl.edu>, Samodha Fernando <samodha(a)unl.edu>, Ivan Vechetti <ivechetti(a)unl.edu>, Rebecca Wachs <rebecca.wachs(a)unl.edu>, Jay Reddy <nreddy2(a)unl.edu>, Tomasz Bednarski <tomasz.k.bednarski(a)unl.edu>, Edward Deehan <edeehan2(a)unl.edu>, Fanben Meng <fmeng5(a)unl.edu>, Ruiguo Yang <ryang6(a)unl.edu>, Nicole Iverson <iverson(a)unl.edu>, Oleh Khalimonchuk <okhalimonchuk2(a)unl.edu>, John DeLong <jpdelong(a)unl.edu>, David Dunigan <ddunigan2(a)unl.edu>, James Van Etten <jvanetten1(a)unl.edu>, Forrest Kievit <fkievit2(a)unl.edu>, Matthew Wiebe <mwiebe(a)unl.edu>, Sathish Kumar Natarajan <snatarajan2(a)unl.edu>, Ann Anderson Berry <alanders(a)unmc.edu>, Asit Pattnaik <apattnaik2(a)unl.edu>, You Zhou <yzhou2(a)unl.edu>, Dirk Anderson <dirk.anderson(a)unl.edu>, Sangjin Ryu <sangjin.ryu(a)unl.edu>, Hiep Vu <hiepvu(a)unl.edu>, Sarah Sillman <sarah.vitosh(a)unl.edu>, Gustavo Delhon <gdelhon3(a)unl.edu>, Luwen Zhang <lzhang2(a)unl.edu>, Qingsheng Li <qli(a)unl.edu>, Chi Zhang <zhang.chi(a)unl.edu>, Tianjing Zhao <tzhao9(a)unl.edu>, Jinliang Yang <jinliang.yang(a)unl.edu>, Matthew Spangler <mspangler2(a)unl.edu>, Juan Cui <jcui(a)unl.edu>, Shaonpius Mondal <smondal2(a)unl.edu>, Wei Niu <wniu2(a)unl.edu>, Edward Harris <eharris5(a)unl.edu>, Scott McVey <dmcvey2(a)unl.edu>, Tomas Helikar <thelikar2(a)unl.edu>, Sunil Sukumaran <sunil.sukumaran(a)unl.edu>, Etsuko Moriyama <emoriyama2(a)unl.edu>, Karrie Weber <kweber(a)unl.edu>, Jennifer Wood <jwood5(a)unl.edu>, Thomas Clemente <tclemente1(a)unl.edu>, Jeff Price <jprice23(a)unl.edu>, Donald Becker <dbecker3(a)unl.edu>, Mark Stone <mark.stone(a)unl.edu>, Khalid Sayood <ksayood(a)unl.edu>, Tadeusz Wysocki <twysocki2(a)unl.edu>, Eric Weaver <eweaver2(a)unl.edu>
Subject: 2nd NVIBE Journal Club: July 18th 1030-1130 MOLR 145
Hello NVIBE Community,
Dr. Sathish Natarajan and I are hosting the second NVIBE Journal Club next Thursday July 18th from 1030-1130AM in Morrison Center Room 145.
The paper I will be presenting is “RTP4 is a Potent IFN-Inducible Anti-flavivirus Effector Engaged in a Host-Virus Arms Race in Bats and Other Mammals” by Ian N. Boys et al published in Cell Host and Microbe. You can find the paper and flyer attached to this email.
Please share with your labs and consider signing up for future NVIBE journal club presentations. We will have a sign-up sheet available next Thursday.
Snacks and coffee will be available. We hope to see you there!
Nicole R. Sexton, PhD
Assistant Professor
University of Nebraska–Lincoln
School of Biological Sciences (SBS)
Nebraska Center for Virology (NCV)
Nebraska Center for Integrated Biomolecular Communication (NCIBC)
334 Morrison Center
4240 Fair Street Lincoln, NE 68583-0900
Office: (402) 413-1238
https://urldefense.com/v3/__http://www.sexton-lab.org__;!!PvXuogZ4sRB2p-tU!… <https://urldefense.com/v3/__http://www.sexton-lab.org__;!!PvXuogZ4sRB2p-tU!… >
Can someone go over to pick up our package?
Nicole Iverson, Ph.D.
Associate Professor
Department of Biological Systems Engineering
Institute of Agriculture and Natural Resources
College of Engineering
University of Nebraska–Lincoln
260 Morrison Hall, 4240 Fair Street, Lincoln, NE 68583
Cell: 732-648-3319 | iverson(a)unl.edu<mailto:iverson@unl.edu>| engineering.unl.edu/iversonlab<http://engineering.unl.edu/iversonlab/>
From: Christel Burgason <cburgason2(a)unl.edu>
Date: Tuesday, July 16, 2024 at 8:23 AM
To: Nicole Iverson <iverson(a)unl.edu>
Subject: RE: overnight package from IDT
I had it at my desk for a while, so they may have tried to pick it up and didn’t see it. I put it back in the cabinet yesterday afternoon.
Christel Burgason
Office Assoc
University of Nebraska–Lincoln
Biological Systems Engineering
200 L.W. Chase Hall, Lincoln, Ne 68583-0726
402-472-1413, cburgason2(a)unl.edu<tel:4024721413>
From: Nicole Iverson <iverson(a)unl.edu>
Sent: Monday, July 15, 2024 6:18 PM
To: Christel Burgason <cburgason2(a)unl.edu>
Subject: Re: overnight package from IDT
I believe that my student should have picked it up by now. If not, please let me know so we can get it.
Nicole Iverson, Ph.D.
Associate Professor
Department of Biological Systems Engineering
Institute of Agriculture and Natural Resources
College of Engineering
University of Nebraska–Lincoln
260 Morrison Hall, 4240 Fair Street, Lincoln, NE 68583
Cell: 732-648-3319 | iverson(a)unl.edu<mailto:iverson@unl.edu>| engineering.unl.edu/iversonlab<http://engineering.unl.edu/iversonlab/>
From: Christel Burgason <cburgason2(a)unl.edu<mailto:cburgason2@unl.edu>>
Date: Friday, July 12, 2024 at 12:05 PM
To: Nicole Iverson <iverson(a)unl.edu<mailto:iverson@unl.edu>>
Subject: overnight package from IDT
Nichole a FedEx package came for you today. Would you like me to put in intercampus mail to Morrison, or do you want to pick it up here in Chase?
Christel Burgason
Office Assoc
University of Nebraska–Lincoln
Biological Systems Engineering
200 L.W. Chase Hall, Lincoln, Ne 68583-0726
402-472-1413, cburgason2(a)unl.edu<tel:4024721413>
Hello Team,
As we already discussed, this is just to officially inform us on our Social event scheduled for June 12th after 5 pm at Pawnee Lake, Middle Creek, NE 68524. We will do carpooling from the office :).
It is also a POTLUCK so please come with something to share!
Dr. Iverson,
Please let us know if this time works for you?
Thank you!
Portia N.A Plange
Graduate Research Asst
University of Nebraska–Lincoln
Biological Systems Engineering
Iverson Lab<https://engineering.unl.edu/iversonlab/>
Good afternoon, I hope everyone is doing well and healthy :)
I will practice my defense tomorrow at 12:40 pm in Morrison: MOLR 169 conference room.
Everyone is welcome to give me feedback. I would truly appreciate it.
Feel free to eat your lunch while listening :)
Ivon Acosta Ramirez
Graduate Research Assistant
University of Nebraska–Lincoln
Biological Systems Engineering
Iverson Lab<https://engineering.unl.edu/iversonlab/>
Sofi will most likely be presenting her REU poster here. Please put this on your calendar!
Nicole Iverson, Ph.D.
Associate Professor
Department of Biological Systems Engineering
Institute of Agriculture and Natural Resources
College of Engineering
University of Nebraska–Lincoln
260 Morrison Hall, 4240 Fair Street, Lincoln, NE 68583
Cell: 732-648-3319 | iverson(a)unl.edu<mailto:iverson@unl.edu>| engineering.unl.edu/iversonlab<http://engineering.unl.edu/iversonlab/>
From: Cameron Adams <cadams(a)unl.edu>
Date: Monday, July 8, 2024 at 9:09 AM
To: Jena Asgarpoor <jshafai(a)unl.edu>, Heidi Diefes-Dux <heidi.diefes-dux(a)unl.edu>, Bruce Dvorak <bdvorak1(a)unl.edu>, Jiong Hu <jhu5(a)unl.edu>, Josephine Lau <jlau3(a)unl.edu>, Wei Qiao <wqiao3(a)unl.edu>, Rajib Saha <rsaha2(a)unl.edu>, Hamid Sharif-Kashani <hamidsharif(a)unl.edu>, Terry Stentz <tstentz1(a)unl.edu>, Mehmet Can Vuran <mcv(a)unl.edu>, Jian Wang <jianwang(a)unl.edu>, Greg Bashford <gbashford2(a)unl.edu>, George Gogos <ggogos(a)unl.edu>, Rebecca Wachs <rebecca.wachs(a)unl.edu>, Mark Stone <mark.stone(a)unl.edu>, Shannon Bartelt-Hunt <sbartelt(a)unl.edu>, Hossein Noureddini <hnoureddini1(a)unl.edu>, Lily Wang <lilywang(a)unl.edu>, Jerry Hudgins <jhudgins2(a)unl.edu>, Jeffrey Shield <jshield(a)unl.edu>, Witty Srisa-an <witawas(a)unl.edu>, Mona Bavarian <mona.bavarian(a)unl.edu>, Haven Brown <hbrown28(a)huskers.unl.edu>, Laxmi Chapagain <lchapagain2(a)huskers.unl.edu>, Sung Woo Choi <schoi9(a)huskers.unl.edu>, Bai Cui <bcui(a)unl.edu>, John Helzer <jhelzer3(a)huskers.unl.edu>, Nicole Iverson <iverson(a)unl.edu>, Karissa Jelonek <kjelonek3(a)huskers.unl.edu>, Abdelghani Laraoui <alaraoui2(a)unl.edu>, Yuntao Li <yli120(a)huskers.unl.edu>, Eric Markvicka <eric.markvicka(a)unl.edu>, Siamak Nejati <snejati2(a)unl.edu>, Ryan Pedrigi <rpedrigi(a)unl.edu>, Ravi Saraf <rsaraf2(a)unl.edu>, Anirudh Tangellapalli <atangellapalli2(a)huskers.unl.edu>, Joseph Turner <jaturner(a)unl.edu>, Luke Wadle <lwadle2(a)huskers.unl.edu>, Richard Wood <rwood(a)unl.edu>, Craig Zuhlke <czuhlke(a)unl.edu>
Cc: Kayla Person <kperson4(a)unl.edu>, Mark Riley <mriley3(a)unl.edu>
Subject: Nebraska Engineering Summer Research Fair - Monday, August 5th
Greetings colleagues –
This email is to inform you of the upcoming Nebraska Engineering Summer Research Fair that will be held on Monday, August 5th, 2-4pm in Kiewit Hall.
A registration/invite email was sent out this-morning to all the McNair Scholars, NCESR Interns, SRP Scholars, and UCARE Scholars conducting undergraduate engineering research this summer. We highly encourage all undergraduate students participating in summer research to register for this event! The Nebraska Engineering Summer Research Fair is open to anyone interested in viewing research conducted by the college’s summer researchers - No RSVP required!
Let us know if you have any questions/concerns.
Thank you,
Have a great week!
Cameron C. Adams
Administrative Associate
College of Engineering
University of Nebraska–Lincoln
Kiewit Hall A641, 68588-0657
402-472-5600 | cadams(a)unl.edu<mailto:cadams@unl.edu>
Hi everyone,
Did you all see this? It might be interesting.
If you want to go but have classes or are supposed to be in the lab talk to me and I can help you figure it out.
Nicole Iverson, Ph.D.
Associate Professor
Department of Biological Systems Engineering
Institute of Agriculture and Natural Resources
College of Engineering
University of Nebraska–Lincoln
260 Morrison Hall, 4240 Fair Street, Lincoln, NE 68583
Cell: 732-648-3319 | iverson(a)unl.edu<mailto:iverson@unl.edu>| engineering.unl.edu/iversonlab<http://engineering.unl.edu/iversonlab/>
From: Greg Bashford <gbashford2(a)unl.edu>
Date: Wednesday, June 19, 2024 at 7:07 AM
To: coe_biomed_faculty(a)lists.nebraska.edu <coe_biomed_faculty(a)lists.nebraska.edu>, coe_biomed_students(a)lists.nebraska.edu <coe_biomed_students(a)lists.nebraska.edu>, nebraska-bme-community(a)lists.nebraska.edu <nebraska-bme-community(a)lists.nebraska.edu>
Subject: Fw: Inaugural Health Design Thinking Conference - SAVE THE DATE!!
Good morning BME colleagues and students,
Please note the in-state conference attached - looks like a good one!
Greg Bashford, PhD, PE
Professor and Biomedical Engineer
Dept. of Biological Systems Engineering
University of Nebraska–Lincoln
230 L. W. Chase Hall, Lincoln, NE 68583-0726
From: Carl Nelson <cnelson5(a)unl.edu>
Sent: Tuesday, June 18, 2024 2:50 PM
To: Greg Bashford <gbashford2(a)unl.edu>
Subject: Fw: Inaugural Health Design Thinking Conference - SAVE THE DATE!!
I think some of our biomedical faculty and students might be interested in this - any chance it could be sent out via mailing lists?
Carl A. Nelson, PhD
Associate Dean for Undergraduate Programs, College of Engineering
office: A641F Kiewit Hall
Professor, Department of Mechanical and Materials Engineering
W359 Nebraska Hall, P.O. Box 880526, Lincoln, NE 68588-0526
402-472-4128 | cnelson5(a)unl.edu<mailto:cnelson5@unl.edu>| http://engineering.unl.edu/mme/carl-nelson
University of Nebraska–Lincoln
From: Scherr, Tyler D <tyler.scherr(a)unmc.edu>
Sent: Tuesday, June 18, 2024 2:47 PM
To: Carl Nelson <cnelson5(a)unl.edu>; Bethany Lowndes <bethany.lowndes(a)unmc.edu>
Cc: Katherine Bravo <kbravo(a)unmc.edu>; Tedd Welniak <twelniak(a)unmc.edu>
Subject: Fw: Inaugural Health Design Thinking Conference - SAVE THE DATE!!
Hi Carl and Bethany,
Please forward to anyone (faculty and medtech industry - around the US and abroad) who may be interested!
Website is live, but registration won't be live until mid-July.
From: Smith, Courtney L <courtneyl.smith(a)unmc.edu>
Sent: Tuesday, June 18, 2024 9:06 AM
Subject: Inaugural Health Design Thinking Conference - SAVE THE DATE!!
Please see the below and attached Save the Date for the Inaugural Health Design Thinking Conference happening October 24th through 26th right here in Omaha, Nebraska!
This event hopes to bring in health design thinkers from all specialties from here in the states to abroad!
Here’s a link<https://www.unmc.edu/academicaffairs/institutional/design-thinking/insight-…> for more information and you can email Courtney Smith at courtneyl.smith(a)unmc.edu<mailto:courtneyl.smith@unmc.edu> with any questions or to join our marketing list!
[A person looking at a medical conference Description automatically generated]<https://www.unmc.edu/academicaffairs/institutional/design-thinking/insight-…>
Courtney Smith, MBA
Pronouns: She / Her / Hers
Educational Projects Coordinator
Continuing interProfessional Development and Innovation (CiPDI)
[A picture containing text Description automatically generated]
985330 Nebraska Medical Center
Omaha NE 68198-5330
Phone: 402-559-6618 | Fax: 402-559-4303
E-mail: courtneyl.smith(a)unmc.edu<mailto:courtneyl.smith@unmc.edu>
iTunes<https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/rnhuddle-podcast-activities-nursing-h…> | Spotify<https://open.spotify.com/show/0sGqNtSd859C5LRfbRSa6U> | Google Play Music<https://playmusic.app.goo.gl/?ibi=com.google.PlayMusic&isi=691797987&ius=go…> | iHeartRadio<https://www.iheart.com/podcast/269-rnhuddle-podcast-activitie-51527937/>
“Quality CE leads to Quality Care”
The information in this e-mail may be privileged and confidential, intended only for the use of the addressee(s) above. Any unauthorized use or disclosure of this information is prohibited. If you have received this e-mail by mistake, please delete it and immediately contact the sender.
I’m not sure who is in charge of picking up packages. But apparently we have some in Chase Hall. Can someone please go over and see what is there? Could it be the JSK or the hydrogen peroxide???
Nicole Iverson, Ph.D.
Associate Professor
Department of Biological Systems Engineering
Institute of Agriculture and Natural Resources
College of Engineering
University of Nebraska–Lincoln
260 Morrison Hall, 4240 Fair Street, Lincoln, NE 68583
Cell: 732-648-3319 | iverson(a)unl.edu<mailto:iverson@unl.edu>| engineering.unl.edu/iversonlab<http://engineering.unl.edu/iversonlab/>
From: Christel Burgason <cburgason2(a)unl.edu>
Date: Thursday, June 13, 2024 at 4:10 PM
To: Nicole Iverson <iverson(a)unl.edu>
Subject: packages
Hi Nicole,
Two of your 3 packages are still in the cabinet in Chase Hall. (I wasn’t sure if you were aware there were 3 total)
Also, packing slips can be put in the tray in the metal cabinet OR The Business mailbox which has moved to a new location next to CHA room 228 on the wall.
Thank you,
Christel Burgason
Office Assoc
University of Nebraska–Lincoln
Biological Systems Engineering
200 L.W. Chase Hall, Lincoln, Ne 68583-0726
402-472-1413, cburgason2(a)unl.edu<tel:4024721413>
Another lab supply offer
Nicole Iverson, Ph.D.
Associate Professor
Department of Biological Systems Engineering
Institute of Agriculture and Natural Resources
College of Engineering
University of Nebraska–Lincoln
260 Morrison Hall, 4240 Fair Street, Lincoln, NE 68583
Cell: 732-648-3319 | iverson(a)unl.edu<mailto:iverson@unl.edu>| engineering.unl.edu/iversonlab<http://engineering.unl.edu/iversonlab/>
From: Kevin Kuper <Kevin.Kuper(a)midsci.com>
Date: Thursday, May 30, 2024 at 2:54 PM
To: Nicole Iverson <iverson(a)unl.edu>
Subject: Final Fiscal Year Purchases?
Caution: Non-NU Email
Hello Nicole,
As promised, here is our 2nd Fiscal Special to help you fully utilize your remaining budget. If you don’t have fiscal year spend out that is fine too. These specials still qualify for you. Feel free to share this with your colleagues or new researchers joining your department.
These are commonly used consumables (LTS and universal PR1ma tips) and 2 unique and nifty items.
Below is an outline of the deals this month, but don’t hesitate to reach out if you have any questions or would like a specialized quote 😊
Have a great day!
Kevin Kuper
I hope you had a great Memorial Day weekend!
Aurelia Nitrile Gloves
-Buy 8 Get 2 Free
PRIMA Barrier Tips
-Buy 3 Get 1 Free
PR1MA Sterile LTS Style
-Buy 3 Get 1 Free
MTC Bio Cryovials
-Buy 2 Get 1Free
[Bold Nitrile Gloves]
[PR1MA Tear Strip Pipette]
[Cryo Vials w/ Inserts]
Petri Dishes
-Buy 3 Get 1 Free
Untreated Multi Well Plates
-Buy 3 Get 1 Free
Nuvaclean UV Sterilizing pipette Stand
-Free with Halo Pipette Starter Kit
BenchBin Biohazard Container
-Free with high performance centrifuge tubes
[PR1MA Petri Dish]
[96-Well Plate w/ Lid]
[A close-up of a container Description automatically generated]
[A red container with a red bag Description automatically generated]
Aurelia Gloves – Buy 8 Get 2 Free
Aurelia Bold Black Nitrile Gloves, 100/box
X=6 Small, X=7 Medium, X=8 Large, X=9 X-Lage
(Rugged 5.0ml thick Nitrile Glove)
$8.00 & Buy 8 Get 2 Free
AURELIA Blush Pink Nitrile Exam Glove, 2.5 mil, 200/box
X= 5 X-Small, X=6 Small, X=7 Medium, X=8 Large
& Buy 8 Get 2 Free
Protege Gloves, 4.0 mil, Powder-Free Nitrile, 100/bx
X= 5 X-Small, X=6 Small, X=7 Medium, X=8 Large, X=9 X-Lage
$7.00 & Buy 8 Get 2 Free
AURELIA Amazing Blue Nitrile Glove, 2.0 mils, 300 gloves/box
X= 5 X-Small, X=6 Small, X=7 Medium, X=8 Large, X=9 X-Lage
$21.00 & Buy 8 Get 2 Free
PR!MA Barrier Tips – Buy 3 Get 1 Free
10 µL Long PR1MA Universal Filter Tips, Racked, Sterile 10 Racks of 96 Tips
Buy 3 Get 1 Free
20 ul PR1MA Universal Filter Tips, Racked, Sterile 10 Racks of 96 Tips
Buy 3 Get 1 Free
100 ul PR1MA Universal Filter Tips, Racked, Sterile 10 Racks of 96 Tips
Buy 3 Get 1 Free
200 ul PR1MA Universal Filter Tips, Racked, Sterile 10 Racks of 96 Tips
Buy 3 Get 1 Free
1250 ul PR1MA Universal Filter Tips, Racked, Sterile 8 Racks of 96 Tips
Buy 3 Get 1 Free
PR1MA LTS Style – Buy 3 Get 1 Free
20 µL PR1MA LTS-Style Tips, Racked, Sterile 10 Racks of 96 Tips
Buy 3 Get 1 Free
200 µL PR1MA LTS-Style Tips, Racked, Sterile 10 Racks of 96 Tips
Buy 3 Get 1 Free
300 µL PR1MA LTS-Style Tips, Racked, Sterile 10 Racks of 96 Tips
Buy 3 Get 1 Free
1000 µL PR1MA LTS-Style Tips, Racked, Sterile 10 Racks of 96 Tips
Buy 3 Get 1 Free
MTC Bio Cryo Vials – Buy 2 Get 1 Free
Cryo Vial, Ext. Threaded Cap Silicone O-ring, 1mL, Sterile, Self-stand, Print Grad, 500/cs
Buy 2 get1 Free
Cryo Vial, Ext. Threaded CapSilicone O-ring, 2mL, Sterile, Self-stand, Print Grad, 500/cs
Buy 2 get1 Free
Cryo Vial, Int. Threaded Cap Silicone O-ring, 1mL, Sterile, Self-stand, Print Grad, 500/cs
Buy 2 get1 Free
Cryo Vial, Int. Threaded Cap Silicone O-ring, 2mL, Sterile, Self-stand, Print Grad, 500/cs
Buy 2 get1 Free
Petri Dishes – Buy 3 Get 1 Free
PR1MA 60 mm x 15 mm Petri Dish, Sterile, Qty 500
Buy 3 Get 1 Free
PR1MA 100 mm x 15 mm Petri Dish, Slideable, Sterile, Qty 500
Buy 3 Get 1 Free
Untreated Multi-Well Plates – Buy 3 Get 1 Free
PR1MA 6-Well Non-Treated Plate with Lid, Individual Sterile,100/cs
Buy 3 Get 1 Free
PR1MA 12-Well Non-Treated Plate with Lid, Individual Sterile,100/cs
Buy 3 Get 1 Free
PR1MA 24-Well Non-Treated Plate with Lid, Individual Sterile,100/cs
Buy 3 Get 1 Free
PR1MA 48-Well Non-Treated Plate with Lid, Individual Sterile,100/cs
Buy 3 Get 1 Free
PR1MA 96-Well Non-Treated Plate with Lid, Individual Sterile,100/cs
Buy 3 Get 1 Free
Halo Pipettor Starter Kit with Free nUVa Clean Carousel!
Halo Pipettor Starter Kit Incl 4 pipettors (10, 20, 200, 1250, and carousel stand)
nUVaClean UV Pipette Carousel with Germicidal Lamp, holds 6 pipettors
Free with H6800-SK
High Performance Centrifuge Tubes with Free BenchBin!
-20,000 G Max
-Temperature Indcator Changes Color at 0C
-95kPa Seal
15mL ProSeries Tubes, Sterile Racks, 25 tubes/rk, 20 rks/cs
Free BenchBin
15mL ProSeries Tubes Sterile Bags, 25 tubes/bg, 20 bgs/cs
Free BenchBin
50mL ProSeries Tubes, Sterile Racks, 25 tubes/rk, 20 rks/cs
Free BenchBin
50mL ProSeries Tubes Sterile Bags, 25 tubes/bg, 20 bgs/cs
Free BenchBin
BenchBin Benchtop Biohazard Bin, 1.5 L, 7x5x7 in Qty 1
Free with Pro Series Tube Purchase
Please Reference Quote#1047505 Expires: June 30th, 2024
Our best-selling gloves are now back in stock!
Click to explore<https://midsci.com/products?pSearch=Aurelia> the available XS-XL sizes and vibrant colors.
And request a FREE sample here<https://midsci.com/contact-us>
Need anything else for the lab?
We have pipette tips, cryotubes, TPP cell culture plastics, gloves, freezer boxes, PCR plastics, serological pipettes, and tubes. MIDSCI also has refrigerators, freezers, LN tanks, and microscopes.
Let me know if you need help with an order.
Have a great day!
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Kevin Kuper
Laboratory Consultant – Iowa, Kansas, Nebraska, MO-KC
Phone: 800.227.9997 Ext.405 Fax: 636.225.9998
Direct: 913-488-4285
115 Cassens Court, Fenton, MO 63026
Web: www.midsci.com<http://www.midsci.com/>
Email: kevin.kuper(a)midsci.com<mailto:kevin.kuper@midsci.com>
Any views or opinions presented in this email are solely those of the author and do not necessarily represent those of the company. Employees of MIDSCI are expressly required not to make defamatory statements and not to infringe or authorize infringement of copyright or any other legal right by email communications. Any such communication is contrary to company policy and outside scope of the employment of the individual concerned. The company will not accept any liability in respect of such communication, and the employee responsible will be personally liable for any damages or other liability arising.
If you are not the intended recipient you are notified that disclosing, copying or taking any action in reliance on the contents of this information is strictly prohibited.
Hello team,
I want to make sure that you are aware of the vacation days this summer. UNL observes Juneteenth in December so that you can have the week off between Christmas and New Years, so it is not a vacation day. July 4th is a vacation day, but not the 5th (unless we get an email stating otherwise).
If you want to take vacation beyond July 4th please remember that our policy is that you ask for the time off in advance. Unless there is something critical that will get in the way of your vacation time I will approve it. I need to know ahead of time what your plans are though.
Nicole Iverson, Ph.D.
Associate Professor
Department of Biological Systems Engineering
Institute of Agriculture and Natural Resources
College of Engineering
University of Nebraska–Lincoln
260 Morrison Hall, 4240 Fair Street, Lincoln, NE 68583
Cell: 732-648-3319 | iverson(a)unl.edu<mailto:iverson@unl.edu>| engineering.unl.edu/iversonlab<http://engineering.unl.edu/iversonlab/>
Hi Team,
I receive these types of emails frequently, I usually skim them and decide on my own, but I think it will make sense to share them with you to see if there are any deals for items that we need.
This summer we have already experienced delays in delivery of items we’ve ordered – this is actually pretty common. So lets make sure that we always have plenty non-perishable items (gloves/tips/etc) on hand.
Get back to me by Friday to let me know if you would like me to get a quote for any of these items.
Nicole Iverson, Ph.D.
Associate Professor
Department of Biological Systems Engineering
Institute of Agriculture and Natural Resources
College of Engineering
University of Nebraska–Lincoln
260 Morrison Hall, 4240 Fair Street, Lincoln, NE 68583
Cell: 732-648-3319 | iverson(a)unl.edu<mailto:iverson@unl.edu>| engineering.unl.edu/iversonlab<http://engineering.unl.edu/iversonlab/>
From: Evan Updike <evan.updike(a)avantorsciences.com>
Date: Monday, June 10, 2024 at 7:10 PM
Subject: VWR End of Fiscal Year promos!
Caution: Non-NU Email
Hello Nebraska Researchers,
VWR is running a number of end of year promos that we would like to make you aware of.
1. VWR Chemicals Dollar Match Promo - Dollar match up to $1000 on VWR BDH Chemicals, Buy a an EZLabpure Carboy get one free, Buy Magnetic Stirrer get free stirbar pack
1. Equipment Deals - Beckman Coulter Trade in Promo, Mettler Toledo Trade in promo, Molecular devices trade in promo. Please find more info in the attached PDFs
1. Benchtop Consumables - Exlusive end of fiscal year discounts on a variet of benchtop consumables items
1. Market Source - VWR partners with a number of major brands in the laboratory research space, because VWR is a preferred vendor in the University of Nebraska punchout sytem researchers can take advantage of the free shipping provided by VWR when purchasing items from non catalogued vendors. Reach out to Evan Updike for a quote which will be viewable in the VWR punchout in Ariba.
1. Seradigm FBS Q2 Flash Sale - Seradigm Select Grade Mexico origin FBS on sale for $255/bottle for Q2 only. Please search for promo part numbers (MP1300500, MP1300500H) in the VWR punchout for discount pricing. Both heat inactivate and non-processed varieties are available.
Please reach out to me (Evan Updike, evan.updike(a)avantorsciences.com) with any needs! I'm happy to provide a pricing quote for you and work with you on any end of fiscal year purchases you or your lab is trying to make. Please be aware that Avantor is a preferred vendor in the Nebraska Ariba procurement system therefore you will receive special contracted pricing and free shipping on all orders.
Thanks All 🙂
Evan Updike, MS
Sales Representative - Omaha, NE
VWR, part of Avantor
m 402 305 4506
VWR, Part of Avantor - Chemicals and Laboratory Scientific Supplies<https://us.vwr.com/store/>
Hi group,
I got sick again on the last day of my conference, so I will not be in the office tomorrow (I’m not sure my plan, I will see how the medication does with allowing me to talk without coughing like crazy and then decide my schedule).
Tomorrow will be Sofi’s first official day in the lab – yay! Everyone please make her welcome and help her with anything she needs.
I haven’t been able to do much of anything for the past few days, but I did place everyone’s orders. I will try to read emails and start reviewing the three items in the ‘Items for Iverson to review’ folder tomorrow. As of right now I would like to plan to meet with people on Friday, but I’m going to wait to send up a sign up form until I’m feeling a bit better.
Omer will be out of town for a week starting on Wednesday (I believe, he will correct me if I’m wrong).
For the rest of you – please plan your schedules with the idea that you might meet with me on Friday but we can figure out a time to fit into your experiment schedule.
Please try to only text/call me in case of an emergency, as I’m trying to get as much sleep as possible right now. I will check my emails as often as I can.
I look forward to talking with you soon,
Nicole Iverson, Ph.D.
Associate Professor
Department of Biological Systems Engineering
Institute of Agriculture and Natural Resources
College of Engineering
University of Nebraska–Lincoln
260 Morrison Hall, 4240 Fair Street, Lincoln, NE 68583
Cell: 732-648-3319 | iverson(a)unl.edu<mailto:iverson@unl.edu>| engineering.unl.edu/iversonlab<http://engineering.unl.edu/iversonlab/>
Hello group,
If you have used the nano facility over on City Campus please read the email below. Let me know if you have any questions or want me to pass on any issues/papers.
Nicole Iverson, Ph.D.
Associate Professor
Department of Biological Systems Engineering
Institute of Agriculture and Natural Resources
College of Engineering
University of Nebraska–Lincoln
260 Morrison Hall, 4240 Fair Street, Lincoln, NE 68583
Cell: 732-648-3319 | iverson(a)unl.edu<mailto:iverson@unl.edu>| engineering.unl.edu/iversonlab<http://engineering.unl.edu/iversonlab/>
From: notification(a)fom-nercf.unl.edu <notification(a)fom-nercf.unl.edu>
Date: Monday, May 20, 2024 at 8:29 AM
Subject: FOM: NERCF External Review during the week of June 10
- This email was sent on behalf of Wen Qian <wqian2(a)unl.edu> by the FOM system -
Dear Faculty Supporters of NERCF,
Next month (week of June 10th), NERCF will undergo an external review as required by the Nebraska Research Initiative (NRI). As part of that review, you and/or your research group members may be invited to meet with the reviewers to provide feedback about NERCF operations, the training provided to your group, and the overall impact it has had on your own research and students. It is important to provide candid feedback so that we can improve moving forward. Also, if there are particular research articles or research grants that you feel were positively affected by the instruments in NERCF, please pass along that information to us as well as soon as you can. Thanks again for your participation in this review.
Best regards,
Joe and Wen
This email was sent via the Facility Online Manager (FOM) system. If you are no longer a user of the FOM system, please visit http://fom-nercf.unl.edu/fom/deactivate to remove yourself from the system.
Hello everyone,
I want to remind you that I will be out of town the week of Sunday, May 26. I will not have much time to answer emails or respond to requests, so if you need something from me, please let me know within the next couple of days so that it can be addressed before next week.
Nicole Iverson, Ph.D.
Associate Professor
Department of Biological Systems Engineering
Institute of Agriculture and Natural Resources
College of Engineering
University of Nebraska–Lincoln
260 Morrison Hall, 4240 Fair Street, Lincoln, NE 68583
Cell: 732-648-3319 | iverson(a)unl.edu<mailto:iverson@unl.edu>| engineering.unl.edu/iversonlab<http://engineering.unl.edu/iversonlab/>