Hi Team,
Here is the document from Keyence. Please think about what you are interested in and we can talk on Monday.
[signature_115942170] Nicole Iverson, Ph.D. Associate Professor
Department of Biological Systems Engineering Institute of Agriculture and Natural Resources College of Engineering University of Nebraska–Lincoln 260 Morrison Hall, 4240 Fair Street, Lincoln, NE 68583 Cell: 732-648-3319 | iverson@unl.edumailto:iverson@unl.edu| engineering.unl.edu/iversonlabhttp://engineering.unl.edu/iversonlab/
From: Rico Wassather RWassather@keyence.com Date: Monday, February 10, 2025 at 3:03 PM To: Nicole Iverson iverson@unl.edu Subject: Keyence Caution: Non-NU Email
Hello Nicole,
It was nice meeting you and your lab today! Attached is the brochure we covered with the modules on page 13. Please let me know if you decide to add any of the modules and we can reconnect next week. Have a great day!
Best Regards, Rico Wassather Sales Manager Life Science Team Keyence Corporation of America Direct: (469)-366-8647 [https://urldefense.com/v3/__https://www.keyence.com/img/common/logo.png__;!!... ] [A screenshot of a computer Description automatically generated]https://urldefense.com/v3/__https:/www.keyence.com/ss/products/microscope/life-science-research-and-microbiological-testing-systems__;!!PvXuogZ4sRB2p-tU!HiHoXdR3D9TBDD1swNaWBjps_Ag94liRUXGD1qOM2WyrmkEfkjw3IS3qst4Ku3GsAzBBQIvh0cdV11uAgF8$