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Dear Colleagues, You are receiving this email as you are a PI of an active project supported by the NSF SWIFT program. Please forward it to your Co-PIs. I am asking you to Save the Date for this year's in-person SWIFT PI meeting. The meeting is set for May 13-14 in Alexandra, Virginia, as part of the NSF Spectrum Week, which runs from May 13-17, 2024. The SWIFT PI meeting will include panel discussions, PI poster sessions, and invited talks. The SWIFT PI meeting will be co-located with five exciting spectrum-related events that week: IEEE DySPAN 2024, NRDZ community open meeting, SpectrumX Center meeting, National Spectrum Management Association (NSMA) annual conference, and the NITRD Wireless Spectrum R&D workshop on the National Spectrum R&D Plan*. https://spectrumweek.org/%C2%A0* The National Spectrum R&D Plan RFI was recently published. The in-person meeting to interact with the R&D Plan authors will be during spectrum week, on Friday May 17, in case you want to include an extra day or two in your DC travel plans to provide feedback on the plan. We hope you will consider joining us for these events. Please mark your calendar. Details on registration and meeting agendas will follow. Best Regards, Mehmet Can Vuran cc: Alhussein Abouzeid aabouzei@nsf.gov; John M. Chapin jchapin@nsf.gov; Huaiyu Dai hdai@nsf.gov - - M. Can Vuran, Ph.D. ' Dale M. Jensen Chair Professor in Computing ' Graduate Chair ' School of Computing, University of Nebraska-Lincoln ' 402-472-5019 ' 214 Schorr Center, Lincoln, NE 68588 ' mcv@unl.edu ' https://cpn.unl.edu%C2%A0https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Can_(name)%C2%A0;