NIC News & Events View this email in your browser;!!PvXuogZ4sRB2p-tU!BDusL-bb5-lESTjucFqXQ-q4mDrUorW6khk-dQY_JwLmm592IMaqeP-2LSd4zM2bwk-lnQZ-F9fcWpN66i8$ [ ] THIS WEEK AT NIC CAMPUS UPDATES | NEWS & EVENTS
[ ];!!PvXuogZ4sRB2p-tU!BDusL-bb5-lESTjucFqXQ-q4mDrUorW6khk-dQY_JwLmm592IMaqeP-2LSd4zM2bwk-lnQZ-F9fcZmwMMEA$ Final 2024 Nebraska Bluegrass Concert Series features Andy Leftwich and the Shucks Brothers!
Tennessee-based Andy Leftwich;!!PvXuogZ4sRB2p-tU!BDusL-bb5-lESTjucFqXQ-q4mDrUorW6khk-dQY_JwLmm592IMaqeP-2LSd4zM2bwk-lnQZ-F9fcq4MUpU8$ is a four-time Grammy-winning instrumentalist who began playing the fiddle at the age of six, entering his first contest at seven and winning the National Championship for Beginners at the age of twelve. Adding mandolin and guitar to his arsenal, Leftwich began playing professionally at the age of fifteen. Since joining Ricky Skaggs and Kentucky Thunder in 2001, Andy has completed a solo album (“Ride,” Skaggs Family Records), recorded two critically acclaimed albums as a member of trio Three Ring Circle (with dobro player Rob Ickes and bassist Dave Pomeroy), and built an impressive list of studio credits, lending his talents to acts such as Steven Curtis Chapman, Keith and Kristyn Getty, Dailey & Vincent and many more. Most recently, he’s added “Producer” to his resume, with the gospel group Point of Grace (“Directions Home," Word Records).
The Shucks Brothers;!!PvXuogZ4sRB2p-tU!BDusL-bb5-lESTjucFqXQ-q4mDrUorW6khk-dQY_JwLmm592IMaqeP-2LSd4zM2bwk-lnQZ-F9fcwqLVlaE$, based in Lincoln, Neb., will kick off the evening with some serious string tickling and great harmony vocals. They tip their hats to the great old bluegrass masters such as Bill Monroe and the Stanley Brothers, but they also feature country, swing and red-hot instrumentals. This group will surprise their audiences with dazzling improvisation, silly humor and a whole lot of fun.
Concert Details:
* Free event parking in the lot north of Transformation Drive | Digital parking pass;!!PvXuogZ4sRB2p-tU!BDusL-bb5-lESTjucFqXQ-q4mDrUorW6khk-dQY_JwLmm592IMaqeP-2LSd4zM2bwk-lnQZ-F9fcX3vozSQ$ required for this concert due to the Husker volleyball game that starts at 7:00 p.m. * Food/drink available for purchase starting at 5:00 p.m. at The Mill Coffee & Bistro * Live music starts at 6:00 p.m. * Please bring your own chair * This concert series is free and open to the public This concert series is proudly sponsored by Nebraska Innovation Campus, The Mill Coffee & Tea, ALLO Fiber Nebraska, Union Bank & Trust, The Scarlet Hotel, Music Go Round - Lincoln, NE and Nebraska Nova.
[ ];!!PvXuogZ4sRB2p-tU!BDusL-bb5-lESTjucFqXQ-q4mDrUorW6khk-dQY_JwLmm592IMaqeP-2LSd4zM2bwk-lnQZ-F9fc6-aMbJI$ DARPAConnect Regional Pop-Up Wednesday, September 18 8:30 a.m. – 4:30 p.m. University of Nebraska at Omaha | Omaha, NE REGISTER >>;!!PvXuogZ4sRB2p-tU!BDusL-bb5-lESTjucFqXQ-q4mDrUorW6khk-dQY_JwLmm592IMaqeP-2LSd4zM2bwk-lnQZ-F9fcLQKVIRU$
The Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency (DARPA), in collaboration with the Applied Research Institute and the National Strategic Research Institute, is hosting a DARPAConnect Regional Pop-Up;!!PvXuogZ4sRB2p-tU!BDusL-bb5-lESTjucFqXQ-q4mDrUorW6khk-dQY_JwLmm592IMaqeP-2LSd4zM2bwk-lnQZ-F9fcnqc6dKo$ event in Omaha on Wed., Sept. 18.
With the goal of breaking down barriers of entry, this event is designed to educate, motivate, and inspire new potential performers from small businesses, industry, and academia to engage with DARPA to grow the national security innovation ecosystem.
Who should attend?
* University Innovators * Emerging Companies amd Start-ups * Research Institutions * Industry Professionals This one-day event offers a unique opportunity to gain insights into DARPA through engaging sessions led by DARPA office directors, program managers and staff. Additionally, participants will have the opportunity to ask questions and get answers directly from DARPA leadership.
Please note that one-on-one conversations with DARPA leaders and program managers will be exclusively available to our in-person attendees, and space is limited.
Registration;!!PvXuogZ4sRB2p-tU!BDusL-bb5-lESTjucFqXQ-q4mDrUorW6khk-dQY_JwLmm592IMaqeP-2LSd4zM2bwk-lnQZ-F9fcpHq3Z3U$ for in-person attendees includes breakfast, lunch and refreshments.
[ ] The NIC administrative office and Nebraska Innovation Studio will be closed on Friday, September 20, in accordance with the University of Nebraska–Lincoln’s instructional continuity day;!!PvXuogZ4sRB2p-tU!BDusL-bb5-lESTjucFqXQ-q4mDrUorW6khk-dQY_JwLmm592IMaqeP-2LSd4zM2bwk-lnQZ-F9fcOB8kZGg$ leading up to the Huskers’ Friday night home football game with Illinois;!!PvXuogZ4sRB2p-tU!BDusL-bb5-lESTjucFqXQ-q4mDrUorW6khk-dQY_JwLmm592IMaqeP-2LSd4zM2bwk-lnQZ-F9fcT5HhIIY$. The Mill Coffee & Bistro will be open from 7:00 a.m. to 8:00 p.m.
[ ];!!PvXuogZ4sRB2p-tU!BDusL-bb5-lESTjucFqXQ-q4mDrUorW6khk-dQY_JwLmm592IMaqeP-2LSd4zM2bwk-lnQZ-F9fcG7bNr24$ Bio Innovations Midwest September 24 & 25 CHI Health Center | Omaha, NE Learn More & Register >>;!!PvXuogZ4sRB2p-tU!BDusL-bb5-lESTjucFqXQ-q4mDrUorW6khk-dQY_JwLmm592IMaqeP-2LSd4zM2bwk-lnQZ-F9fc8Xsx-p8$
Bio Innovations Midwest;!!PvXuogZ4sRB2p-tU!BDusL-bb5-lESTjucFqXQ-q4mDrUorW6khk-dQY_JwLmm592IMaqeP-2LSd4zM2bwk-lnQZ-F9fcynecTQ8$ is the new event dedicated to driving the exciting growth of industrial biomanufacturing in the U.S. On September 24 and 25, over 250 industry leaders will connect in Omaha for pre-arranged 1-2-1 commercial meetings, knowledge exchange and networking.
Brought to you by World Bio Markets, this two day event will present the Midwest as the heartland of the U.S. bioeconomy and will generate deal flow between bio developers and producers, global brands and buyers, investors and financiers, community enablers and suppliers.
Learn more and register by visiting;!!PvXuogZ4s...;!!PvXuogZ4sRB2p-tU!BDusL-bb5-lESTjucFqXQ-q4mDrUorW6khk-dQY_JwLmm592IMaqeP-2LSd4zM2bwk-lnQZ-F9fcX988Dww$.
[ ];!!PvXuogZ4sRB2p-tU!BDusL-bb5-lESTjucFqXQ-q4mDrUorW6khk-dQY_JwLmm592IMaqeP-2LSd4zM2bwk-lnQZ-F9fcf_XvWrI$ NIC Partner Lunch & Learn: ALA Engineering Monday, September 30 12:00 – 1:00 p.m. Nebraska Safety Center Classroom | Rise Building, Suite 1270 REGISTER >>;!!PvXuogZ4sRB2p-tU!BDusL-bb5-lESTjucFqXQ-q4mDrUorW6khk-dQY_JwLmm592IMaqeP-2LSd4zM2bwk-lnQZ-F9fcA8oyrhk$
Join us on September 30 to learn about ALA Engineering;!!PvXuogZ4sRB2p-tU!BDusL-bb5-lESTjucFqXQ-q4mDrUorW6khk-dQY_JwLmm592IMaqeP-2LSd4zM2bwk-lnQZ-F9fcO7IFwrk$!
The future of the feedlot could include autonomous feed trucks, enabling operations to focus more on product and less on equipment and operations. That is the hope of ALA Engineering, a Combine Incubator startup. Currently, in the testing phase, ALA Engineering’s prototype vehicle has undergone trials in Nebraska feedlots. The prototype is a standard feed truck with some tweaks, and sensor systems on board, engineering the integration of human oversight alongside autonomous technology. ALA Engineering envisions a future where smart feedlot technologies and autonomy seamlessly integrate into everyday operations.
ALAN, The ALA Navigator, is cutting-edge intelligence behind feedlot operations, combining advanced software, sensors, and computing power to autonomously feed cattle with precision and efficiency.
FREE lunch will be provided. Sign up now;!!PvXuogZ4sRB2p-tU!BDusL-bb5-lESTjucFqXQ-q4mDrUorW6khk-dQY_JwLmm592IMaqeP-2LSd4zM2bwk-lnQZ-F9fcfzL6nC8$ — only 25 spots are available!
[ ];!!PvXuogZ4sRB2p-tU!BDusL-bb5-lESTjucFqXQ-q4mDrUorW6khk-dQY_JwLmm592IMaqeP-2LSd4zM2bwk-lnQZ-F9fc5NoItF8$ Nebraska Water Conference October 9 & 10 NIC Conference Center Learn More & Register >>;!!PvXuogZ4sRB2p-tU!BDusL-bb5-lESTjucFqXQ-q4mDrUorW6khk-dQY_JwLmm592IMaqeP-2LSd4zM2bwk-lnQZ-F9fc3Qx2SBI$
Registration;!!PvXuogZ4sRB2p-tU!BDusL-bb5-lESTjucFqXQ-q4mDrUorW6khk-dQY_JwLmm592IMaqeP-2LSd4zM2bwk-lnQZ-F9fcbl-Ygds$ is open for the 2024 Nebraska Water Conference;!!PvXuogZ4sRB2p-tU!BDusL-bb5-lESTjucFqXQ-q4mDrUorW6khk-dQY_JwLmm592IMaqeP-2LSd4zM2bwk-lnQZ-F9fciDRZPmk$! This year’s conference theme is Collaboration and Innovation in Nebraska Water. The conference will highlight successful collaborations and innovations in Nebraska water and discuss future opportunities in water research and management.
Held at the Nebraska Innovation Campus conference center, this two-day event will feature discussions on emerging contaminants, drought preparedness, nutrient management, climate smart practices, nitrate research, water policy, climate water resilience, and modeling. Experts from the state and nation will share their work and lead discussions on future opportunities for innovative partnerships.
If you have any questions, please contact Ann Briggs at or call 402.472.5317.
[ ] Fleeting Moments An Art Exhibition Presented by Tammy Miller On Display Now Through October 31 Link, 2nd Floor Gallery
Fleeting Moments is a reflection of transient moods and experiences Tammy has experienced. Through a blend of mixed media, Tammy strives to capture these moments before they vanish. Her fascination with line and color drives her exploration of visual art, where she believes there is always room for growth and discovery. She hopes that viewers find meaning and enjoyment in these fleeting moments.
Tammy Miller is a talented mixed media artist based in Lincoln where she lives with her husband, Dave. Originally from Ohio, Tammy earned her degree in Commercial Art from the University of Akron. Her work has been featured in several exhibitions, including at the Bryan Medical Center's East Campus gallery and the Red Path Gallery in Seward. She also participated in the Serving Hands Community Art Project and created a Folded Flag sculpture displayed at the Lincoln Veterans Administration building.
In 2019, Tammy was recognized as an Emerging Artist by the Lincoln Arts Council. Over the past four years, she has been a regular participant in the Lincoln and Omaha Arts Festivals. Tammy and Dave are proud parents of two children, Spencer and Hallie, both graduates of the University of Nebraska.
When she’s not creating art, Tammy enjoys walking, biking, traveling, spending time with her family, and singing with Dave in the B Street Band. To learn more about Tammy and view additional work, please visit:;!!PvXuogZ4s...;!!PvXuogZ4sRB2p-tU!BDusL-bb5-lESTjucFqXQ-q4mDrUorW6khk-dQY_JwLmm592IMaqeP-2LSd4zM2bwk-lnQZ-F9fcWp-K7Vg$.
This exhibit is free and open to the public daily from 8:00 a.m. to 8:00 p.m.
[ ];!!PvXuogZ4sRB2p-tU!BDusL-bb5-lESTjucFqXQ-q4mDrUorW6khk-dQY_JwLmm592IMaqeP-2LSd4zM2bwk-lnQZ-F9fcRdog-xA$ Flyover Fintech Monday, October 21 NIC Conference Center Learn More & Register >>;!!PvXuogZ4sRB2p-tU!BDusL-bb5-lESTjucFqXQ-q4mDrUorW6khk-dQY_JwLmm592IMaqeP-2LSd4zM2bwk-lnQZ-F9fcY79w7GE$
Congressman Mike Flood of Nebraska’s First Congressional District will host the 2024 Flyover Fintech conference;!!PvXuogZ4sRB2p-tU!BDusL-bb5-lESTjucFqXQ-q4mDrUorW6khk-dQY_JwLmm592IMaqeP-2LSd4zM2bwk-lnQZ-F9fcNaHlnFw$ in Lincoln on Monday, October 21.
Flyover Fintech features a wide variety of speakers ranging from Members of Congress to leading voices from the financial technology and financial services industry. During the conference, a series of panels and speakers will examine issues related to the potential and risks associated with artificial intelligence, and the importance of cybersecurity in an increasingly digital future among other topics.
Along the way, the conference will facilitate opportunities for networking and critical conversations with public and private sector industry leaders.
[ ];!!PvXuogZ4sRB2p-tU!BDusL-bb5-lESTjucFqXQ-q4mDrUorW6khk-dQY_JwLmm592IMaqeP-2LSd4zM2bwk-lnQZ-F9fcBkPu0qg$ Tech Nebraska Summit November 7 Hilton Omaha | Omaha, NE Learn More & Register >>;!!PvXuogZ4sRB2p-tU!BDusL-bb5-lESTjucFqXQ-q4mDrUorW6khk-dQY_JwLmm592IMaqeP-2LSd4zM2bwk-lnQZ-F9fcTGh0AYs$
Registration is now open for the 2024 Tech Nebraska Summit with early bird registration and special discounts available until October 4.
Don’t miss out on this unparalleled opportunity to learn about technology, innovation and our future as a technology state.
Who Should Attend? The 2024 Tech Nebraska Summit is ideal for:
* CIOs, CTOs & Technology Leaders: Meet peers and leaders across all of Nebraska’s core industries who are driving technology advancements. * Entrepreneurs & Startups: Learn from successful entrepreneurs and gain valuable advice to take your startup to the next level. * Policy Makers: Learn about policy opportunities that are critical to advancing Nebraska as a leading technology state. * Industry Professionals: Expand your knowledge and skills in your area of expertise. * Tech Enthusiasts: Stay ahead of the curve with insights into the latest trends and technologies. * Students: Gain inspiration and guidance for your future career in tech.
[ ];!!PvXuogZ4sRB2p-tU!BDusL-bb5-lESTjucFqXQ-q4mDrUorW6khk-dQY_JwLmm592IMaqeP-2LSd4zM2bwk-lnQZ-F9fcptZi4NI$ Get ready for an unforgettable experience spanning three days in Lincoln, three days in Omaha, with additional events in Council Bluffs and Ashland. Silicon Prairie News has joined forces with the Greater Omaha Chamber of Commerce and Lincoln Partnership for Economic Development to present the inaugural Silicon Prairie Startup Week, kicking off November 11. This marquee event transcends geographical boundaries, fostering unity and inclusivity in the Nebraska startup community.
[ ];!!PvXuogZ4sRB2p-tU!BDusL-bb5-lESTjucFqXQ-q4mDrUorW6khk-dQY_JwLmm592IMaqeP-2LSd4zM2bwk-lnQZ-F9fcVv63Sc4$ Learn More & Join the Conference Waitlist for Ticket Information >>;!!PvXuogZ4sRB2p-tU!BDusL-bb5-lESTjucFqXQ-q4mDrUorW6khk-dQY_JwLmm592IMaqeP-2LSd4zM2bwk-lnQZ-F9fczEW6awU$
[ ];!!PvXuogZ4sRB2p-tU!BDusL-bb5-lESTjucFqXQ-q4mDrUorW6khk-dQY_JwLmm592IMaqeP-2LSd4zM2bwk-lnQZ-F9fc9rGPoeY$ CycleSafe;!!PvXuogZ4sRB2p-tU!BDusL-bb5-lESTjucFqXQ-q4mDrUorW6khk-dQY_JwLmm592IMaqeP-2LSd4zM2bwk-lnQZ-F9fcCpKni6E$ bike lockers are now available at NIC! Four bike lockers located on the west side of Innovation Commons behind the dumpster enclosure. The bike lockers can be used by NIC Partners and the public. Bike Lockers Available:
* Hourly rate: $1.00 to open the bike locker + $1.00/hour * Monthly membership: $5.00/month * Annual membership: $50.00/year Click here;!!PvXuogZ4sRB2p-tU!BDusL-bb5-lESTjucFqXQ-q4mDrUorW6khk-dQY_JwLmm592IMaqeP-2LSd4zM2bwk-lnQZ-F9fcUFngVYs$ to learn more about NIC's CycleSafe bike lockers.
[ ];!!PvXuogZ4sRB2p-tU!BDusL-bb5-lESTjucFqXQ-q4mDrUorW6khk-dQY_JwLmm592IMaqeP-2LSd4zM2bwk-lnQZ-F9fcTrGSTWE$ Parking at NIC
NIC visitors that do not have a NIC parking permit or a UNL parking permit are required to pay for parking in the paved lot north of Transformation Drive using the Passport Parking app. This is the same parking app used when people park on the street at NIC, in downtown Lincoln and in the Haymarket.
Parking Zones: The paved lot north of Transformation Drive is Zone 9900 on the Passport Parking app. On-street parking at NIC is Zone 80. Parking in downtown Lincoln and the Haymarket is Zone 75.
Enforcement: Paid parking in the paved lot north of Transformation Drive is enforced from 7:00 a.m. to 6:00 p.m., Monday through Saturday. On-street metered parking is enforced from 8:00 a.m. to 6:00 p.m., Monday through Saturday.
If you have a NIC parking permit or a UNL parking permit:
* If you have a Nebraska Innovation Campus parking permit do not use the Passport Parking app to pay for parking in the paved lot north of Transformation Drive. Nebraska Innovation Campus parking permits are valid in parking lots with first come first served parking, reserved spaces (numbered yellow hang tags only) and the paved lot north of Transformation Drive. * If you have a University of Nebraska–Lincoln parking permit please notify Parking and Transit Services and request that your permit be added to the reciprocal visitors list. Send the requests from your official UNL email account to Your license will then be added to the NIC permit roster. Access remains for the effective period of your UNL permit. After your UNL permit has been added to the NIC permit roster, do not use the Passport Parking app to pay for parking in the lot north of Transformation Drive. University of Nebraska–Lincoln parking permits are valid only in the paved lot north of Transformation Drive. * If you have a University of Nebraska–Lincoln student parking permit do not use the Passport Parking app to pay for parking. University of Nebraska–Lincoln student permits are valid in the student parking section of the paved lot north of Transformation Drive. Not familiar with the Passport Parking app? Using Passport Parking is easy!
1. Download the Passport Parking app from the Apple App Store or Google Play store. 2. Create an account with your mobile phone number or email address. 3. Park anywhere you see Passport Parking app signs & decals. 4. Pay for your parking session from your phone. 5. Extend your time remotely if you’d like to stay longer! If you have questions, or need to update your vehicle information, please email
Additional information about parking at NIC >>;!!PvXuogZ4sRB2p-tU!BDusL-bb5-lESTjucFqXQ-q4mDrUorW6khk-dQY_JwLmm592IMaqeP-2LSd4zM2bwk-lnQZ-F9fc41gqfVs$
[NIC Facebook Page];!!PvXuogZ4sRB2p-tU!BDusL-bb5-lESTjucFqXQ-q4mDrUorW6khk-dQY_JwLmm592IMaqeP-2LSd4zM2bwk-lnQZ-F9fc2yVbZ5c$ [NIC Website];!!PvXuogZ4sRB2p-tU!BDusL-bb5-lESTjucFqXQ-q4mDrUorW6khk-dQY_JwLmm592IMaqeP-2LSd4zM2bwk-lnQZ-F9fcDQivQbI$ [Instagram];!!PvXuogZ4sRB2p-tU!BDusL-bb5-lESTjucFqXQ-q4mDrUorW6khk-dQY_JwLmm592IMaqeP-2LSd4zM2bwk-lnQZ-F9fcA-O_pwg$
Copyright © 2024 Nebraska Innovation Campus, All rights reserved.
Our mailing address is: Nebraska Innovation Campus 2021 Transformation Drive Lincoln, NE 68508