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Throughout October, students, staff, and faculty have been participating in the CASNR Crunch-Off. The Crunch-Off is a nationwide event to promote locally grown products by having participants post photos of themselves 'crunching' on food produced in their state. These Huskers are enjoying apples and popcorn.
[ ] Dr. Silvana Martini, will be participating in a panel related to publishing in peer-reviewed journals. The event, Questions You Have Always Wanted to Ask Journal Editors … Answered, will be held on October 28th, 2024 at 11:00 AM in Love Library South 221. A Zoom link and more information are available here*3A*2F**2Fresearch*2F2024*2F10*2F28*2F184049*2F&xid=a28502fe04&uid=36397105&iid=e5234af0a9&pool=cts&v=2&c=1729799147&h=66782be10ba4fd0640b1b00105e862e3c41096b770403559e9a5aef2f9486c8b__;JSUlJSUlJSUl!!PvXuogZ4sRB2p-tU!AWVRFRIW7Z7YQWb9J57ae5cMbGKnBHsvygeXifIvYSzw_lwIwegeaUOPciBgxeebZAqfpw8iOm2V_tGaf8Go$.
[ ] Dr. Bing Wang is part of a research team receiving a $2.4M EPA grant to study how antibiotic-resistant bacteria spread through wastewater and farm runoff into rivers. UNL leads multi-state effort to assess health risks & track contamination sources. Read the Nebraska Today article here*3A*2F**2Farticle*2Fhusker-experts-lead-effort-aimed-at-antimicrobial-resistance-in-environment&xid=a28502fe04&uid=36397105&iid=e5234af0a9&pool=cts&v=2&c=1729799147&h=b9813d88e6444d5332f945a72c3ddfe19167630dd610775e34c4821ca497b4a6__;JSUlJSU!!PvXuogZ4sRB2p-tU!AWVRFRIW7Z7YQWb9J57ae5cMbGKnBHsvygeXifIvYSzw_lwIwegeaUOPciBgxeebZAqfpw8iOm2V_vriPnR0$.
[ ] Dr. Hyun-Seob Song is featured in Nebraska Today as part of a research team studying the Midcontinent Rift, a 1,200 mile long rift in the Earth that produces natural hydrogen. Dr. Song is researching the biogeochemical and microbiology implications of this rift to create predictive models. Read the full article here*3A*2F**2Farticle*2Fhusker-scientists-exploring-hydrogen-energy-potential-from-underground-rift&xid=a28502fe04&uid=36397105&iid=e5234af0a9&pool=cts&v=2&c=1729799147&h=f41b04b96a07a91cb3b96de5f4516508fdf3c2bd569f3b0b6d0959f826a070ac__;JSUlJSU!!PvXuogZ4sRB2p-tU!AWVRFRIW7Z7YQWb9J57ae5cMbGKnBHsvygeXifIvYSzw_lwIwegeaUOPciBgxeebZAqfpw8iOm2V_gtyHTlL$.
[ ] FDST Spotlight Xu (Phoebe) Shi
Tell us a little about yourself. My name is Xu (Phoebe) Shi. I am a fourth-year PhD candidate in the Food Science and Technology Department. My passion for food science began during my senior year at the University of Nebraska–Lincoln, where I participated in a 3+1 program in collaboration with NWAFU in China. Upon completing the program, I earned dual bachelor’s degrees in food science and food engineering. Currently, I am continuing my journey in food science with a focus on unitizing the link between diet, gut microbiology, and other diseases to improve human health. In recognition of my research, I have won the Lohr Family Excellence in NFHC Research and Widaman Distinguished Graduate Fellowship Awards. Other than research, I am also deeply committed to teaching. I have had the pleasure of mentoring three undergraduate students, and my efforts were recognized with the Graduate Student Excellence in Mentoring Award. What year of studies are you in? I’m currently in my fourth year of the PhD program. While I’m nearing graduation, I recognize that my journey of learning in this field will continue beyond my formal studies. What drew you to the University of Nebraska? While working as an undergraduate in Dr. Ramer-Tait’s lab, I became fascinated with research work focused on regulating multiple human diseases through dietary or probiotic interventions. This experience inspired me to pursue a PhD in this research area after earning my bachelor’s degree. What aspect of food science and technology interests you the most? My current research focuses on understanding the relationship between gut microbiota and cardiomyopathy, a group of disorders affecting the heart muscle. I am particularly interested in how gut microbiota modulates the progression and severity of autoimmune myocarditis and dilated cardiomyopathy (DCM). My long-term goal is to explore strategies to modulate the gut microbiome and develop practical, non-invasive interventions to improve heart health and ameliorate cardiomyopathy. What is your typical day like? I usually start my day with a cup of latte and focus on lab experiments in the morning. My work takes me shifting between the Innovation Campus and the Gnotobiotic Mouse Center on East Campus. In the afternoons, I shift to data analysis and writing, usually working with my laptop. What’s something most people don’t know about you? I’m really into film photography and have a collection of three film cameras. One of them is actually older than I am but still works perfectly! What is your life like outside of school? I try to maintain a balanced lifestyle. I enjoyed taking time after work and go to the gym regularly. I am also a jazz and choreography dance lover. If we have followed each other on social media, you have might seen me posting dance videos before, lol. I am also a cat mom!
Upcoming Events
Oct 21-22 Fall Semester Break
Nov 28-Dec 1 Thanksgiving Vacation (UNL Offices Closed)
Upcoming Workshops
Nov 14 How to Obtain a Federal Grant of Inspection Workshop*3A*2F**2FFSTevents*2F2024*2F11*2F14*2F184271*2F&xid=a28502fe04&uid=36397105&iid=e5234af0a9&pool=cts&v=2&c=1729799147&h=25b36d0ee449a59c3a2f0777619403c14081208658be43c9dc22e9ea16dd1dfb__;JSUlJSUlJSUl!!PvXuogZ4sRB2p-tU!AWVRFRIW7Z7YQWb9J57ae5cMbGKnBHsvygeXifIvYSzw_lwIwegeaUOPciBgxeebZAqfpw8iOm2V_rTggnzS$
Gnotobiotic Lab Animal Technician - UNL Department of Food Science and Technology
The Nebraska Gnotobiotic Mouse Program (NGMP) at the University of Nebraska-Lincoln is seeking applications for the position of Gnotobiotic Lab Animal Technician.
As a Gnotobiotic Lab Animal Technician, you will work extensively with mice in a germ-free mouse facility. Daily responsibilities will include:
* Breeding, maintaining, weaning, and record keeping of mice in sterile isolators and in ventilated cage rack systems * Assembling autoclave cylinders with food, water, and equipment * Microbiologic monitoring of autoclave functions * Setting up germ-free isolators * Overseeing sterile transfers between isolators or autoclave cylinders * Performing procedures, routine laboratory functions, sample collection, and data collection * Supervising undergraduate student workers Apply*3A*2F**2Fpostings*2F94210&xid=a28502fe04&uid=36397105&iid=e5234af0a9&pool=cts&v=2&c=1729799147&h=6eb626a609242223ccccd11d566949f8905dbff6683404cf1fed407719c99138__;JSUlJSU!!PvXuogZ4sRB2p-tU!AWVRFRIW7Z7YQWb9J57ae5cMbGKnBHsvygeXifIvYSzw_lwIwegeaUOPciBgxeebZAqfpw8iOm2V_okcHPM4$
Food Science Intern Summer 2025 - Conagra Brands You will be responsible for one primary project, as well as other small work. Projects may include new product launches, line extensions, problem/solution identification, testing of new innovations etc. You will investigate and conduct benchtop and pilot plant experiments to gather data and prepare written reports for the commercialization of new products, or reformulation in existing products to improve quality and margins. Apply*3A*2F**2Fus*2Fen*2Fjob*2FReq-029867*2FFood-Science-Intern-Summer-2025&xid=a28502fe04&uid=36397105&iid=e5234af0a9&pool=cts&v=2&c=1729799147&h=19741bd7c79e90e5b80cdede908460e2533c54132c6cce49521d23b231a017a6__;JSUlJSUlJSU!!PvXuogZ4sRB2p-tU!AWVRFRIW7Z7YQWb9J57ae5cMbGKnBHsvygeXifIvYSzw_lwIwegeaUOPciBgxeebZAqfpw8iOm2V_s8UVr60$
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