[cid:image001.jpg@01DB68B8.4353ACF0] Dear Friends, I hope this email finds you well! As we welcome the Lunar New Year, we are excited to celebrate this special occasion with a potluck gathering. We would love for you to join us for delicious food, great company, and festive cheer. Date: February 3,2025 Time: 11am-2 pm Location: FIC 107,103,111 To help us plan, please sign up via the link, with the dish you plan to bring. Please make sure it can feed more than one person. https://urldefense.com/v3/__https://www.signupgenius.com/go/10C0F44A8A62EA5F...
Sumin will be cooking dumplings in FIC 107 and could use some volunteers to help her. If you don't know how to make dumplings, but want to learn, she is happy to show you how. If you have any dietary restrictions or special requests, let us know so we can accommodate everyone. Please respond by January 29, so we have time to prepare. Looking forward to celebrating together!
Best Regards, Susie
[University of Nebraska – Lincoln] Susie Fauble Administrative Coordinator Department of Food Science and Technology https://foodsci.unl.edu/ University of Nebraska-Lincoln Food Innovation Center, 1901 N 21st St, Room 232 Lincoln, NE 68588-6205 402-472-2905 Empathy / Strategic / Developer / Context / Belief
Please remember to sign up for the Lunar New year. If you are a student and will not be able to bring anything, not to worry. If you could please sign in under the dietary restrictions section and make a comment that you will be attending.
Please respond to the link below by Wednesday, January 29th.
Best Regards, Susie
[University of Nebraska – Lincoln] Susie Fauble Administrative Coordinator Department of Food Science and Technology https://foodsci.unl.edu/ University of Nebraska-Lincoln Food Innovation Center, 1901 N 21st St, Room 232 Lincoln, NE 68588-6205 402-472-2905 Empathy / Strategic / Developer / Context / Belief
From: Susie Fauble Sent: Friday, January 17, 2025 8:41 AM To: 'fdst-all-building@lists.unl.edu' fdst-all-building@lists.unl.edu; fdst-undergrad@lists.unl.edu Subject: Lunar New Year Celebration
[cid:image001.jpg@01DB68B8.4353ACF0] Dear Friends, I hope this email finds you well! As we welcome the Lunar New Year, we are excited to celebrate this special occasion with a potluck gathering. We would love for you to join us for delicious food, great company, and festive cheer. Date: February 3,2025 Time: 11am-2 pm Location: FIC 107,103,111 To help us plan, please sign up via the link, with the dish you plan to bring. Please make sure it can feed more than one person. https://urldefense.com/v3/__https://www.signupgenius.com/go/10C0F44A8A62EA5F...
Sumin will be cooking dumplings in FIC 107 and could use some volunteers to help her. If you don't know how to make dumplings, but want to learn, she is happy to show you how. If you have any dietary restrictions or special requests, let us know so we can accommodate everyone. Please respond by January 29, so we have time to prepare. Looking forward to celebrating together!
Best Regards, Susie
[University of Nebraska – Lincoln] Susie Fauble Administrative Coordinator Department of Food Science and Technology https://foodsci.unl.edu/ University of Nebraska-Lincoln Food Innovation Center, 1901 N 21st St, Room 232 Lincoln, NE 68588-6205 402-472-2905 Empathy / Strategic / Developer / Context / Belief
Thanks to the support from our department, we can celebrate our tradition with making/cooking dumplings (饺子 jiao zi), either you bring food or not, no matter which country you are from, you are welcome to join the fun event - sharing food and sharing joyful moment together. 感谢系领导的支持,我们能一起庆祝咱们最大的传统节日-春节,一起来包饺子。所以,不管你带不带食物,不论你来自哪个国家,只要有时间加入,一起来做饺子,一起享用美食,请在报名单最下面一栏的Dietary restrictions 注明你参加,我们好准备足够的各种美食。期待更多人报名-包饺子,即便你不会,没关系。有任何问题请与我联系(please let me know if you have any questions)。
[cid:image004.png@01DB70DB.794586F0] [cid:image005.png@01DB70DB.794586F0]
From: Susie Fauble sfauble2@unl.edu Sent: Monday, January 27, 2025 8:30 AM To: 'fdst-all-building@lists.unl.edu' fdst-all-building@lists.unl.edu; fdst-undergrad@lists.unl.edu Subject: FW: Lunar New Year Celebration
Please remember to sign up for the Lunar New year. If you are a student and will not be able to bring anything, not to worry. If you could please sign in under the dietary restrictions section and make a comment that you will be attending.
Please respond to the link below by Wednesday, January 29th.
Best Regards, Susie
[University of Nebraska – Lincoln] Susie Fauble Administrative Coordinator Department of Food Science and Technology https://foodsci.unl.edu/ University of Nebraska-Lincoln Food Innovation Center, 1901 N 21st St, Room 232 Lincoln, NE 68588-6205 402-472-2905 Empathy / Strategic / Developer / Context / Belief
From: Susie Fauble Sent: Friday, January 17, 2025 8:41 AM To: 'fdst-all-building@lists.unl.edu' <fdst-all-building@lists.unl.edumailto:fdst-all-building@lists.unl.edu>; fdst-undergrad@lists.unl.edumailto:fdst-undergrad@lists.unl.edu Subject: Lunar New Year Celebration
[cid:image003.jpg@01DB70D8.CABDE110] Dear Friends, I hope this email finds you well! As we welcome the Lunar New Year, we are excited to celebrate this special occasion with a potluck gathering. We would love for you to join us for delicious food, great company, and festive cheer. Date: February 3,2025 Time: 11am-2 pm Location: FIC 107,103,111 To help us plan, please sign up via the link, with the dish you plan to bring. Please make sure it can feed more than one person. https://urldefense.com/v3/__https://www.signupgenius.com/go/10C0F44A8A62EA5F... https://urldefense.com/v3/__https:/www.signupgenius.com/go/10C0F44A8A62EA5FE3-54456489-lunar__;!!PvXuogZ4sRB2p-tU!Bs0YfVIKX5vehrEiXq6os6kR-aKbnMvhonmo1dck1FLeq_uoNKJxlKvz_BOrzpUSKl5o58aapTkVRyEgI1BlnDEb7a4wGtM$
Sumin will be cooking dumplings in FIC 107 and could use some volunteers to help her. If you don’t know how to make dumplings, but want to learn, she is happy to show you how. If you have any dietary restrictions or special requests, let us know so we can accommodate everyone. Please respond by January 29, so we have time to prepare. Looking forward to celebrating together!
Best Regards, Susie
[University of Nebraska – Lincoln] Susie Fauble Administrative Coordinator Department of Food Science and Technology https://foodsci.unl.edu/ University of Nebraska-Lincoln Food Innovation Center, 1901 N 21st St, Room 232 Lincoln, NE 68588-6205 402-472-2905 Empathy / Strategic / Developer / Context / Belief
Come and help/eat if you could.
10-11 am, #103, #111, #student lounge, # hallway- decoration. Need helpful hands 11-12:15pm, #107, dumpling making 11-12:15pm. #103, food setup 12:15-1:30pm, #111 and # student lounge. Enjoy food 😊 1:30-2:30pm, # all areas. Cleaning up and need extra hands.
[cid:image001.png@01DB7625.244CC4C0] [cid:image004.png@01DB7625.244CC4C0] Dear Friends, I hope this email finds you well! As we welcome the Lunar New Year, we are excited to celebrate this special occasion with a potluck gathering. We would love for you to join us for delicious food, great company, and festive cheer. Date: February 3,2025 Time: 11am-2 pm Location: FIC 107,103,111 To help us plan, please sign up via the link, with the dish you plan to bring. Please make sure it can feed more than one person. https://urldefense.com/v3/__https://www.signupgenius.com/go/10C0F44A8A62EA5F... https://urldefense.com/v3/__https:/www.signupgenius.com/go/10C0F44A8A62EA5FE3-54456489-lunar__;!!PvXuogZ4sRB2p-tU!Bs0YfVIKX5vehrEiXq6os6kR-aKbnMvhonmo1dck1FLeq_uoNKJxlKvz_BOrzpUSKl5o58aapTkVRyEgI1BlnDEb7a4wGtM$
Sumin will be cooking dumplings in FIC 107 and could use some volunteers to help her. If you don’t know how to make dumplings, but want to learn, she is happy to show you how. If you have any dietary restrictions or special requests, let us know so we can accommodate everyone. Please respond by January 29, so we have time to prepare. Looking forward to celebrating together!
Best Regards, Susie
[University of Nebraska – Lincoln] Susie Fauble Administrative Coordinator Department of Food Science and Technology https://foodsci.unl.edu/ University of Nebraska-Lincoln Food Innovation Center, 1901 N 21st St, Room 232 Lincoln, NE 68588-6205 402-472-2905 Empathy / Strategic / Developer / Context / Belief
Great turnout! Thank you for everyone who helped making food and decoration and having lunch together and final cleaning, it all made it fun.
If you forgot your dishes, they are in the breakroom on second floor. One winter coat is in #107.
From: Sumin Li sli4@unl.edu Sent: Monday, February 3, 2025 10:20 AM To: Susie Fauble sfauble2@unl.edu; 'fdst-all-building@lists.unl.edu' fdst-all-building@lists.unl.edu; fdst-undergrad@lists.unl.edu Subject: Approximate Timeline -RE: Lunar New Year Celebration
Come and help/eat if you could.
10-11 am, #103, #111, #student lounge, # hallway- decoration. Need helpful hands 11-12:15pm, #107, dumpling making 11-12:15pm. #103, food setup 12:15-1:30pm, #111 and # student lounge. Enjoy food 😊 1:30-2:30pm, # all areas. Cleaning up and need extra hands.
[cid:image001.png@01DB7652.D0EE36F0] [cid:image002.png@01DB7652.D0EE36F0] Dear Friends, I hope this email finds you well! As we welcome the Lunar New Year, we are excited to celebrate this special occasion with a potluck gathering. We would love for you to join us for delicious food, great company, and festive cheer. Date: February 3,2025 Time: 11am-2 pm Location: FIC 107,103,111 To help us plan, please sign up via the link, with the dish you plan to bring. Please make sure it can feed more than one person. https://urldefense.com/v3/__https://www.signupgenius.com/go/10C0F44A8A62EA5F... https://urldefense.com/v3/__https:/www.signupgenius.com/go/10C0F44A8A62EA5FE3-54456489-lunar__;!!PvXuogZ4sRB2p-tU!Bs0YfVIKX5vehrEiXq6os6kR-aKbnMvhonmo1dck1FLeq_uoNKJxlKvz_BOrzpUSKl5o58aapTkVRyEgI1BlnDEb7a4wGtM$
Sumin will be cooking dumplings in FIC 107 and could use some volunteers to help her. If you don’t know how to make dumplings, but want to learn, she is happy to show you how. If you have any dietary restrictions or special requests, let us know so we can accommodate everyone. Please respond by January 29, so we have time to prepare. Looking forward to celebrating together!
Best Regards, Susie
[University of Nebraska – Lincoln] Susie Fauble Administrative Coordinator Department of Food Science and Technology https://foodsci.unl.edu/ University of Nebraska-Lincoln Food Innovation Center, 1901 N 21st St, Room 232 Lincoln, NE 68588-6205 402-472-2905 Empathy / Strategic / Developer / Context / Belief
Thanks Sumin, Susie, and everyone that participated in the Lunar New Year Celebration! The building looked so nice! And everybody was working so hard when I had to leave for my meetings! I wish I could have stayed!!!!
Sarah said she took some pictures, so hopefully we will see something in social media soon!
Thanks again! And hopefully we can do this again next year!
Thanks! Silvana [University of Nebraska – Lincoln] Silvana Martini, PhD Professor, Department Head University of Nebraska–Lincoln Food Science & Technology Lincoln, NE 402-472-5267 Editor-in-Chief, Journal of the American Oil Chemists' Society<https://urldefense.com/v3/__https://aocs.onlinelibrary.wiley.com/journal/155... > Fellow of the American Oil Chemists' Society Past President of the American Oil Chemists' Society (2022-2023)<https://urldefense.com/v3/__http://www.aocs.org__;!!PvXuogZ4sRB2p-tU!GTgm6QI... >
From: Sumin Li sli4@unl.edu Sent: Monday, February 3, 2025 3:50 PM To: 'fdst-all-building@lists.unl.edu' fdst-all-building@lists.unl.edu; fdst-undergrad@lists.unl.edu Subject: Lost n found from Lunar New Year Celebration
Great turnout! Thank you for everyone who helped making food and decoration and having lunch together and final cleaning, it all made it fun.
If you forgot your dishes, they are in the breakroom on second floor. One winter coat is in #107.
From: Sumin Li <sli4@unl.edumailto:sli4@unl.edu> Sent: Monday, February 3, 2025 10:20 AM To: Susie Fauble <sfauble2@unl.edumailto:sfauble2@unl.edu>; 'fdst-all-building@lists.unl.edu' <fdst-all-building@lists.unl.edumailto:fdst-all-building@lists.unl.edu>; fdst-undergrad@lists.unl.edumailto:fdst-undergrad@lists.unl.edu Subject: Approximate Timeline -RE: Lunar New Year Celebration
Come and help/eat if you could.
10-11 am, #103, #111, #student lounge, # hallway- decoration. Need helpful hands 11-12:15pm, #107, dumpling making 11-12:15pm. #103, food setup 12:15-1:30pm, #111 and # student lounge. Enjoy food 😊 1:30-2:30pm, # all areas. Cleaning up and need extra hands.
[cid:image004.png@01DB766E.73F2BE50] [cid:image005.png@01DB766E.73F2BE50] Dear Friends, I hope this email finds you well! As we welcome the Lunar New Year, we are excited to celebrate this special occasion with a potluck gathering. We would love for you to join us for delicious food, great company, and festive cheer. Date: February 3,2025 Time: 11am-2 pm Location: FIC 107,103,111 To help us plan, please sign up via the link, with the dish you plan to bring. Please make sure it can feed more than one person. https://urldefense.com/v3/__https://www.signupgenius.com/go/10C0F44A8A62EA5F... https://urldefense.com/v3/__https:/www.signupgenius.com/go/10C0F44A8A62EA5FE3-54456489-lunar__;!!PvXuogZ4sRB2p-tU!Bs0YfVIKX5vehrEiXq6os6kR-aKbnMvhonmo1dck1FLeq_uoNKJxlKvz_BOrzpUSKl5o58aapTkVRyEgI1BlnDEb7a4wGtM$
Sumin will be cooking dumplings in FIC 107 and could use some volunteers to help her. If you don’t know how to make dumplings, but want to learn, she is happy to show you how. If you have any dietary restrictions or special requests, let us know so we can accommodate everyone. Please respond by January 29, so we have time to prepare. Looking forward to celebrating together!
Best Regards, Susie
[University of Nebraska – Lincoln] Susie Fauble Administrative Coordinator Department of Food Science and Technology https://foodsci.unl.edu/ University of Nebraska-Lincoln Food Innovation Center, 1901 N 21st St, Room 232 Lincoln, NE 68588-6205 402-472-2905 Empathy / Strategic / Developer / Context / Belief