From: Kaitlin Bachle
Dear Colleagues,
The Nebraska Center for Biotechnology has a couple upcoming workshops and our annual spring class that may interest your faculty and students. We would appreciate your help in sharing this information within your department.
Upcoming Workshops:
1. 10X Genomics Single Cell & Spatial Transcriptomics Workshop (Wednesday, Nov. 13)
* Link to Register (Free, lunch included with registration):
2. Proteomics and Metabolomics Facility (PMF) Workshop
* November 19 &/or November 22 * Link to Learn more and Register:
3. Annual Spring Biotechnology Class (Spring 2025):
* More Information:
Flyers with additional details are attached. Thank you for helping us promote these opportunities! If you are not the best contact for your department, please let me know.
Kind regards, Kaitlin
[cid:image001.jpg@01DB31DD.A6E91C30] Kaitlin Bachle Admin Associate/ Research Tech University of Nebraska–Lincoln Center for Biotechnology E247 Beadle Center Connect with us online: LinkedIn< > | X<;!!PvXuogZ4sRB2p-tU!D5... >