September 2024 [ ]
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Department Head, Dr. Silvana Martini and Student Services Coordinator, Sarah Gergen welcomed new students to the Department during the CASNR Welcome Event held August 22, 2024.
[ ] Dr. Jennifer Auchtung is the 2024 recipient of the Dinsdale Family Faculty Award through the Institute of Agriculture and Natural Resources (IANR). This award is given in recognition of unique contributions in teaching, research, or extension education. Dr. Auchtung will be recognized for her award at the IANR Distinguished Faculty Banquet on September 25, 2024.
[ ] Food Science and Technology Professor and Director of the Agricultural Research Division, Dr. Jennifer Clarke participated in the National Agricultural Producers Data Cooperative conference, a federally funded initiative to develop a national cyber-ecosystem for agricultural producer data. Read the full article at Nebraska Today*3A*2F**2Farticle*2Fhusker-faculty-lead-conference-honing-strategies-for-national-ag-data-network&xid=9feb7607df&uid=36397105&iid=cfa41ab74b&pool=cts&v=2&c=1725909330&h=71fe196f55b92f55f3ce4220b397408a269c4fe09ce645a9d381f7fb8e88324a__;JSUlJSU!!PvXuogZ4sRB2p-tU!BeQwqLezMb4kyth-ogNGxEC5eNueEaqRfLqaUDM0RK3HThZKW_XgvNOowrh9Ls3HrDb5m39Xa7sOVaDjyhxl$.
[ ] FDST Spotlight Rachana Police
Tells us a little about yourself. I am Rachana Police a graduate student in Food Science and Technology department. My journey into this field has been driven by deep passion for food and the science behind it, as well as its impact on health. I have a keen interest in Food Safety and Quality (FSQ) and product development, which drives my academic and research pursuits. Outside of my academic pursuits, I enjoy exploring new cuisines and experimenting with recipes.
What year of studies are you in? I am in my second year of the master’s program. It’s been challenging yet rewarding experience so far, and I’m eager to continue learning and growing in this field.
What drew you to the University of Nebraska? The University of Nebraska Lincoln has a strong reputation in food science and the diverse research opportunities available here were major factors that attracted me.
What aspect of food science and technology interests you the most (i.e. What is your research about)? I am particularly fascinated by food safety and quality control. I have completed my summer internship at Michael Foods as a Food Safety and Quality Corporate intern. My research focus on Quality Attributes of cumin seeds after treating with radiofrequency over storage. This work aims to optimize preservation methods while maintaining the seeds nutritional and sensory properties.
What is your typical day like? My typical day involves a balance between coursework, research and assignments. I spend my mornings attending lectures and seminars while my afternoons are dedicated to conducting experiments.
What is something that most people don’t know about you? Most people don’t know that I am an ambivert with introverted tendencies. While I enjoy socializing and collaborating with others, I also value my alone time to recharge and focus on my personal interests.
What is your life like outside of school? Outside of school, I enjoy exploring new places, trying different foods, and immersing myself in various cultures. I find these experiences enriching and they broaden my perspective. Additionally, I’m an avid reader and spend a lot of my free time with a good book. I also enjoy crocheting, which allows me to relax and express my creativity in a fulfilling way.
Upcoming Events
Oct 21-22 Fall Semester Break
Upcoming Workshops
Recent Awards
Byron Chaves-Elizondo - Investigating the Prevalence of Foodborne Pathogens and Profiling the Antimicrobial Resistance of Salmonella in Commercial Pet Foods, University of Maryland, $150,000.
Emerson David Nolasco Guzman - First Place in Biotechnology Division Graduate Student Oral Competition, Institute of Food Technologists (IFT), July 14-17th, Chicago, IL.
Food Safety and Brand Standards Specialist - Stritech Help hotel, restaurant, and grocery clients ensure brand standards, food quality, and friendly service for their customers. They also:
* Conduct assessments that measure conformity to established regulatory, industry, and proprietary brand standards for clients * Observe food prep and cooking standards to ensure food safety, health, and sanitation practices * Partner with clients to address root causes of assessment discrepancies and develop corrective action plans * Teach and coach clients how to make their workplace a safer and healthier environment for themselves and THEIR customers * Travel up to 50%, or 10 days per month, including some evening and weekend work Apply*3A*2F**2Fq-Food-Science-l-Nebraska-jobs.html*3Fvjk*3D8b6ad8474ae82d95*26advn*3D5477802312885726&xid=9feb7607df&uid=36397105&iid=cfa41ab74b&pool=cts&v=2&c=1725909330&h=15e9315a175eb88c899863a269f891b753bc2130970f990829a6a5d8f55e6279__;JSUlJSUlJSU!!PvXuogZ4sRB2p-tU!BeQwqLezMb4kyth-ogNGxEC5eNueEaqRfLqaUDM0RK3HThZKW_XgvNOowrh9Ls3HrDb5m39Xa7sOVYF-n162$
Lab Assistant- 1st Shift - Certified Group Performs basic general laboratory tasks such as grinding or preparing samples for analysis, preparing solutions or media, cleaning laboratory equipment to include glassware, metal instruments, sinks, tables, and test panels. Routine maintenance and other general duties as required. Apply*3A*2F**2Fmascsr*2Fdefault*2Fmdf*2Frecruitment*2Frecruitment.html*3Fcid*3Dcfa62047-7ba7-4c65-874e-0accc0912f0b*26ccId*3D9200454999715_2*26lang*3Den_US*26jobId*3D500865&xid=9feb7607df&uid=36397105&iid=cfa41ab74b&pool=cts&v=2&c=1725909330&h=d7f11d5cb60fd878c92229646530698757e386329c8b93586bd8dcfbf4b10f77__;JSUlJSUlJSUlJSUlJSUlJQ!!PvXuogZ4sRB2p-tU!BeQwqLezMb4kyth-ogNGxEC5eNueEaqRfLqaUDM0RK3HThZKW_XgvNOowrh9Ls3HrDb5m39Xa7sOVfP5RlKF$
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