Just a reminder about how to reserve conference rooms and classrooms/teaching labs. Conference rooms 222 and 280 can be reserved by anyone. Please contact Graye if you have any issues with the equipment in these rooms or need instructions on how to use it. For all other conference room and classrooms, you need reserve them through the contacts listed on the table below. Please do not just create an invitation, select a conference room or classroom, and think that you have it reserved. Your reservation may be cancelled if you do not make the reservation through the correct contact.
Reservable Rooms Room Description Contact Capacity Chairs PC Laptop Hookup Presentation Food Allowed FIC 102* Chemistry Teaching Lab Angie Ratekinmailto:aratekin2@unl.edu 30 30 Yes Yes PC Cloud & Laptop Hookup No FIC 106* Microbiology Teaching Lab Angie Ratekinmailto:aratekin2@unl.edu 30 30 Yes Yes PC Cloud & Laptop Hookup No FIC 107* Kitchen Grade Teaching Lab Angie Ratekinmailto:aratekin2@unl.edu 30 0 Yes Yes PC Cloud & Laptop Hookup Yes FIC 111^ Training Room Julie Reiling Julie McManameymailto:jreiling2@unl.edu 30 42 Yes Yes PC Cloud & Laptop Hookup Yes FIC 115` NFHC Conference Michaela Tonakmailto:mtonack2@unl.edu 10 10 Yes Yes PC Cloud & Laptop Hookup Yes FIC 220* Classroom Julie McManameymailto:julie.mcmanamey@unl.edu 50 50 Yes Yes PC Cloud & Laptop Hookup Yes FIC 221 Recruiting Space Scarlet & Cream Sarah Gergenmailto:sgergen2@unl.edu 6 6 No No No Yes FIC 222 Conference Graye Muir-Lewismailto:justin.lewis@unl.edu 8 12 Yes Yes PC Cloud & Laptop Hookup Yes FIC 234 Executive Conference Julie Reiling Julie McManameymailto:jreiling2@unl.edu 14 28 Yes Yes PC Cloud & Laptop Hookup Yes FIC 271.15~ FPC Conference Julie Reilingmailto:jreiling2@unl.edu 10 10 No Yes Monitor Yes FIC 275* Classroom Julie McManameymailto:julie.mcmanamey@unl.edu 50 50 Yes Yes PC Cloud & Laptop Hookup Yes FIC 277* Auditorium Julie McManameymailto:julie.mcmanamey@unl.edu 110 110 Yes Yes PC Cloud & Laptop Hookup Yes FIC 280 Conference Graye Muir-Lewismailto:justin.lewis@unl.edu 6 8 Yes Yes PC Cloud & Laptop Hookup Yes *Classes have 1st priority in the classrooms and labs (exceptions may apply for large scale events, i.e. FFA/CDE contest). ~FPC Faculty/Staff and Suite Spot partners have 1st priority in FIC 271.15 and can make their own reservations. ^Workshops have 1st priority in FIC 111. `NFHC events/meetings have 1st priority in FIC 115.
Thank you for your attention to this matter.
Have a wonderful day! Julie
[Diagram Description automatically generated with medium confidence][A red letter on a black background Description automatically generated] Julie A Reiling Senior Consultant The Food Processing Centerhttps://fpc.unl.edu/ Department of Food Science & Technologyhttps://foodscience.unl.edu/ University of Nebraska - Lincolnhttps://www.unl.edu/ 1901 North 21st Street, FIC 271g Lincoln, NE 68588-6206 402 472 2529tel:4024722529 | jreiling2@unl.edumailto:%20jreiling2@unl.edu
The information, advice and opinions provided by a University of Nebraska employee represent the best judgment of the employee at that time, but should not be considered legal advice on any local, state, federal or international regulation or statute. We encourage you to contact the applicable regulatory agency and/or qualified attorney to confirm the information presented in this correspondence.