[Free Ugly Sweater Clipart | Free download on ClipArtMag]Afternoon all,
What doesn't go better together than food and ugly sweaters!! With the holiday season here and finals week about over, we'd love to celebrate with you! Join us for an afternoon of fun, food, and festive sweaters.
DATE: This Thursday, Dec. 19 TIME: from 4-6 WHERE: FIC 234 and FIC 235.
We will have appetizers, hot chocolate, and plenty of holiday cheer. We are also having an ugly sweater competition with the winner having bragging rights until next year!
Please let us know if you can make it by RSVPing to the calendar invite that will be coming shortly.
Best Regards, Susie
[University of Nebraska – Lincoln] Susie Fauble Administrative Coordinator Department of Food Science and Technology https://foodsci.unl.edu/ University of Nebraska-Lincoln Food Innovation Center, 1901 N 21st St, Room 232 Lincoln, NE 68588-6205 402-472-2905 Empathy / Strategic / Developer / Context / Belief
I am in!!!! 😊 Silvana
[University of Nebraska – Lincoln] Silvana Martini, PhD Professor, Department Head University of Nebraska–Lincoln Food Science & Technology Lincoln, NE 402-472-5267 Editor-in-Chief, Journal of the American Oil Chemists' Society<https://urldefense.com/v3/__https://aocs.onlinelibrary.wiley.com/journal/155... > Fellow of the American Oil Chemists' Society Past President of the American Oil Chemists' Society (2022-2023)<https://urldefense.com/v3/__http://www.aocs.org__;!!PvXuogZ4sRB2p-tU!ELdvmk9... >
From: Susie Fauble sfauble2@unl.edu Sent: Monday, December 16, 2024 3:27 PM To: 'fdst-all-building@lists.unl.edu' fdst-all-building@lists.unl.edu Subject: Snacks and Ugly Sweaters!
[Free Ugly Sweater Clipart | Free download on ClipArtMag]Afternoon all,
What doesn’t go better together than food and ugly sweaters!! With the holiday season here and finals week about over, we’d love to celebrate with you! Join us for an afternoon of fun, food, and festive sweaters.
DATE: This Thursday, Dec. 19 TIME: from 4-6 WHERE: FIC 234 and FIC 235.
We will have appetizers, hot chocolate, and plenty of holiday cheer. We are also having an ugly sweater competition with the winner having bragging rights until next year!
Please let us know if you can make it by RSVPing to the calendar invite that will be coming shortly.
Best Regards, Susie
[University of Nebraska – Lincoln] Susie Fauble Administrative Coordinator Department of Food Science and Technology https://foodsci.unl.edu/ University of Nebraska-Lincoln Food Innovation Center, 1901 N 21st St, Room 232 Lincoln, NE 68588-6205 402-472-2905 Empathy / Strategic / Developer / Context / Belief