Hi All,
The FPC Director Search Committee is pleased to announce that we are bringing three candidates to campus for in-person interviews. Our first candidate, Ellie Watts, will be interviewing July 9th and 10th. Ellie's interview agenda is attached. I will be sending out invitations to several events, but please note that everyone is invited to attend Ellie's presentation on her background and vision for The Food Processing Center at 1:00 pm on Tuesday, July 9th in FIC 277. We hope you will join us. Ellie's resume is also attached for your review.
Our next two candidates will be coming to campus on July 15th-16th and July 29th-30th. More information on those schedules will be coming soon.
Best Regards, Julie
[Diagram Description automatically generated with medium confidence][A red letter on a black background Description automatically generated] Julie A Reiling Senior Consultant The Food Processing Centerhttps://fpc.unl.edu/ Department of Food Science & Technologyhttps://foodscience.unl.edu/ University of Nebraska - Lincolnhttps://www.unl.edu/ 1901 North 21st Street, FIC 271g Lincoln, NE 68588-6206 402 472 2529tel:4024722529 | jreiling2@unl.edumailto:%20jreiling2@unl.edu
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