Hi all, The Admin Coord position for the FST Department has been posted: https://employment.unl.edu/postings/93011
Please share with anybody that might be interested in applying.
Thanks, Silvana
[University of Nebraska – Lincoln] Silvana Martini, PhD Professor, Department Head University of Nebraska-Lincoln Food Science & Technology Lincoln, NE 402-472-5267 Editor-in-Chief, Journal of the American Oil Chemists' Society<https://urldefense.com/v3/__https://aocs.onlinelibrary.wiley.com/journal/155... > Fellow of the American Oil Chemists' Society Past President of the American Oil Chemists' Society (2022-2023)<https://urldefense.com/v3/__http://www.aocs.org__;!!PvXuogZ4sRB2p-tU!AWfm3g8... >
From: Silvana Martini Sent: Friday, August 9, 2024 8:36 AM To: Julie Reiling jreiling2@unl.edu; Graye Muir-Lewis gmuir-lewis2@unl.edu; Jennifer Auchtung jauchtung2@unl.edu Subject: Admin coord position
Hi all, The Admin Coord position has been posted: https://employment.unl.edu/postings/93011
Please share with anybody that might be interested in applying.
Thanks, Silvana
[University of Nebraska – Lincoln] Silvana Martini, PhD Professor, Department Head University of Nebraska-Lincoln Food Science & Technology Lincoln, NE 402-472-5267 Editor-in-Chief, Journal of the American Oil Chemists' Society<https://urldefense.com/v3/__https://aocs.onlinelibrary.wiley.com/journal/155... > Fellow of the American Oil Chemists' Society Past President of the American Oil Chemists' Society (2022-2023)<https://urldefense.com/v3/__http://www.aocs.org__;!!PvXuogZ4sRB2p-tU!AWfm3g8... >