From: Hoai Vu
Hi all,
We want to invite you to an opportunity to be a part of the Graduate and Professional Student Leadership Accelerator program that will begin early spring 2025. The Leadership Accelerator program aims to develop your leadership skills through action learning in a group setting. Throughout the semester, you will have opportunities to utilize pre-existing leadership competencies while strengthening other areas.
Background Info and Benefits
1. Networking: Create cross-departmental relationships with other graduate and professional students.
1. Problem solving and critical thinking: Identify challenges within your department while developing ways to diagnose and evaluate them.
1. Professional/Career development: The program may be a part of your future portfolio as you solve issues related to your department and graduate colleagues. A digital badge will be awarded upon completion of the program. Timeline 1. Please sign up for an info session if you need more details about the program:;!!PvXuogZ4sRB2p-tU!H4dTOQxdYbcHO_tGZ6xE9ED4Pjo4ldhook1eweymeHH1uyH3ituSHQ9akzPAWzQbL1CMdcvcKZ3G72fdAw$ 2. December 6, 2024: Application deadline 3. December 6-16, 2024: Review of applicants 4. January 10, 2025: Announce cohort 5. February-May 2025: Graduate and Professional Student Leadership Accelerator a. TIME COMMITMENT: 90-minute workshop per month with 4-6 hours of work in between workshops. You can expect a total of 22-30 hours of work in this program between February and May. Nomination and Selection Process
1. This pilot program will accept 1-2 students per IANR/CASNR program/unit
1. Graduate and professional students may self-nominate or be nominated by their program/unit
1. After consultation with your advisor, we encourage students to self-nominate with the online form (;!!PvXuogZ4sRB2p-tU!H4dTOQxdYbcHO_tGZ6xE9ED4Pjo4ldhook1eweymeHH1uyH3ituSHQ9akzPAWzQbL1CMdcvcKZ2Y3GVHKw$)
1. Participants are selected based on their application materials after the selection committee evaluates them.
A flyer is attached for your information alongside a QR to the application. If you have any questions, please send them to Nick Knopik (
Kind regards,
[University of Nebraska – Lincoln]
Hoai Vu
Graduate Student Success Coordinator
University of Nebraska–Lincoln
College of Ag Sci & Nat Res
Lincoln, NE