Hello my Relatives,
I hope this message finds you well. Have you ever noticed how we have several beautiful or even somewhat hot days when the east coast gets a hurricane? Well, Helene is will be working her way across the southeast over the weekend, so our afternoons are going to have lots of tropical air heating them up. The mornings, tho! You may wish to start Saturday in long sleeves, it'll still be in the low 60s when we start on Saturday morning. Brrrrr
What's in store for this weekend? I'll read a bit more from the chapter Epiphany in the Beans, weeding (of course) and we have cover crops and additional fall veg to plant, plus yet more GLORIOUS salad to make. (Some of you have wanted to be on Team Chef and haven't had a chance yet. Please speak up and remind me who you are so that we make sure you get a turn to fix things up the way you like them.)
Congrats to everybody who has met me for make-up sessions in the garden the past few weeks. Each of you who has done that is now in good shape IF YOU COME THIS SATURDAY. Do not miss Saturday without reaching out ahead of time. Also reach out ahead if you need a ride in either direction (or both ways): if you want to work with us, then we will definitely work with you.
As always, long pants are better, a hat is great, closed toe shoes are crucial, and sunblock will keep you looking younger longer. (I promise, we are ALL, 20 years from now, going to look back at pictures of ourselves now and think "crickey, I was so young and good looking back then and I didn't even know!" Aging is funny that way.)
Thanks for reading this far. In October, the fall session begins and it'll have more variety of starting location, so the emails will be extra important. Those of you who vanished for the summer (sports, jobs, whatever), WE MISS YOU. Please put it on your calendar to come back to us. This week if you'd like, next week for sure. (for shizzle? Do the kids still say that?)
Grateful to know you,
Molly Phemister
3110 North 40th St
Lincoln NE, 68506
Hello, Relatives!
The last several Saturdays have been bucolic, and now the weather will be even better. Let's live it up! The seasons are turning, and winter will be here too soon. We will soon return to beginning in the greenhouse to launch new seeds off on new adventures, and even return to the classroom to discuss the text and learn some food preservation and processing techniques.
This weekend will include cover crops, harvesting, some joint decision making about our fall clean up plans, salad, sandwiches, and a reading from Braiding Sweetgrass (from the Epiphany in the Beans chapter). Please come early / on time, and plan to stay until noon.
As always, I encourage hats and long pants, I strongly advise closed toe shoes and sunblock.
I enjoy your company, I hope to see you this weekend. If you need a ride, please do not hesitate to ask. If something else has come up, please do let us know.
Molly Phemister
3110 North 40th St
Lincoln NE, 68506
If you missed last Saturday, you missed a treat. We're going to do it again this Saturday: we will gather produce from our gardens and make a salad to go with our lunches. Part of that gathering included important stories shared by our elders about deer woman and buffalo calf woman and others. We would be so grateful to have additional stories from additional elders, goodness knows there are always enough lunches, please consider joining us.
Before lunch, we have cover crops and fall salad greens to sow where the tarps are coming up, tarps to move around, And quite a few beans, okra, peppers, and tomatoes to harvest.
Please plan to stay the full-time, that final chunk of the morning is fertile soil from which to grow your good futures. We will be below 80 the whole time, long pants should be doable, and I always advocate close to shoes because of the tools we are using.
If you need a ride, please do not hesitate to ask. We value you being here!
See you Saturday!
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Good morning relatives!
I hope this note finds you in good health. We have been Enjoying having some of our friends Visit us in the garden, and even work with us, but have been told that, for liability reasons, we really need the only attendees on Saturday morning to be enrolled students and their accompanying adults. I hope you understand, and I look forward to seeing you on Saturday morning. We will be doing some harvesting and a little bit of food prep work together. Please plan to stay all the way till noon.
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