Hello everyone,
I enjoyed welcoming everyone to the greenhouse last Saturday and exploring seeds - the elements they need to survive (do you remember some?) and their beautiful diversity (so many shapes, sizes, and colors!).
How is your bag with the corn and bean seed? Do you notice any changes? *If you remember, please bring your bags back to class this week and we will see what is happening!*
Where we will meet:
This week we will be meeting at the Entomology #3 Greenhouse on East Campus at 9am. It is just a few blocks north of Plant Sciences Hall off of 38th Street. Click here to see the location of the greenhouse on a maphttps://urldefense.com/v3/__https:/maps.apple.com/?ll=40.834794,-96.665059&q=Dropped*20Pin&t=h__;JQ!!PvXuogZ4sRB2p-tU!BmQyNg3QWlgIFac29-vv1M-G_pPIxMMhbOzmkRkAwu0day8-zd1cN837aFltJHYR8pjLVytzhpjrgLAzTma_IE4Bu-aG7SVLXq0P-RA$ or look at the attached PDF map. After the greenhouse, we will walk back to Plant Sciences Hall.
If you need help finding the greenhouse, please call me at 531-278-2227.
Before Class:
Please read Chapter 2 of Braiding Sweetgrass The Council of Pecans before class and write down some of your thoughts and reflections in your notebook.
Some questions to help get you started:
* Where do you see gifts of abundance around you? * What wisdom can we learn from pecan trees? * What characters, stories, or ideas from this chapter stood out to you? * What did you learn from this chapter?
What we will be doing:
* We have special guests this week - Liz and her team at Grateful Growers<https://urldefense.com/v3/__https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCAM72cY2ezAjX5S... > will meet us at the greenhouse * We will be getting to know succulents more and what they need to survive / why do they look the way they do? * We will be playing in the soil to make new homes for these succulents * Classroom Cultural teaching: The Council of Pecans * Lunch
Happy growing, Skylar
[University of Nebraska – Lincoln]
Skylar Falter
Program Coordinator
Indigenous Youth Food Sovereignty Programhttps://nativecoalition.unl.edu/indigenous-youth-food-sovereignty-program
University of Nebraska–Lincoln
Tribal Extension Office