Good morning, my relatives,
We will meet Saturday at our Plant Sciences building classroom to beat the heat and focus on Indigenous world views.
Please bring your journals and have read / be ready to discuss two passages:
1. Allegiance to Gratitude on page 105. It examines the Indigenous concept of acknowledgement and thanksgiving to the natural world. 2. The Honorable Harvest on page 175 to page 190 (stop there). It examines Indigenous concepts of humility and respect to wamaskanskan ( all living beings).
You are important to us! We value seeing you each weekend. Please make every effort to be there from 9 to noon.
Wopila, Molly
Ps- yes, there will be both Monday and Wednesday morning work opportunities (15th and 17th), 9-11 am, this coming week. As a heads up, Monday the 22nd and Wednesday the 29th, I have conflicts and won't be there.
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