Hello my relatives! Saturday should be very pleasant in the morning, so I am as usual going to recommend long pants and closed toed shoes. In addition to what is by now a fairly standard volume of weeding to do, our Harvest is picking up: cherry tomatoes and green beans came in pretty thick last weekend, and I think we will see okra and some larger tomatoes and more peppers this weekend. Where is this food going? Our goal is to help feed our community. Loving reminder: YOU are part of our community. Your family is part of our community. You matter to us, and there is no reason why some of this food should not be showing up in the salads and soups and casseroles that your household makes throughout each week. What we are seeing is that our youth are a little uncertain about what will be valued in their homes. Elders: please send them with a shopping list and a bag. Help them learn what to bring home.
I hope to see everybody Saturday. If folks can't make it, please let us know. Also, highschoolers, look at your autumn schedule, let's see if we can figure out where our make up sessions should be for September.
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