We will start this Saturday in the garden with our typical circle, greeting of the land, and setting of intentions, but for some portion of the morning this weekend, we will also be accompanied by a film crew from the local news. They would like to film y'all working in the garden a bit, and I think they would like to talk to several of you about the program . I will try to have red bandannas available for anybody who does NOT want to be on TV but just in case I don't have quite enough, wear some sort of red shirt if you do NOT want to be on TV. That will make it easy for the camera folks to recognize when they have the wrong people in the frame, and they can just move the camera over.
I hope you are all still reading in Braiding Sweetgrass? We are coming to the end of the spring workaholic season, at some point soon there will be a hot gross Saturday on which we skip the garden and go back inside to talk about the things that we can learn from Kimmerer's words. If you have developed a favorite chapter or section, let Ted or I know. We can talk about that reading as a group
Here is your standard reminder to wear a long pants, clothes toed shoes, a little bit of bug spray, a little bit of sunscreen. You're welcome to wear a hat, I will certainly be in mine. **NEW REMINDER: Please plan to be here until noon.** The act of sitting down to a meal together is a foundational community building moment that I promise will pay dividends in your life that there is no way for any of us to predict at this point. You might be 30 or 40 years old, and then somebody that you had lunch with here will suddenly be the person that says the thing, or has the skill, or knows the other person, and it absolutely pivots how things are going for you, for the better.